How exactly will the #1 pick be handled? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How exactly will the #1 pick be handled?


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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica
We all know Jake Long is the pick, but how will it be handled tomorrow? Will the Dolphins still use the ten minutes that are on the clock? Do the two staff members at the Dolphins table still have to run the card up the podium for Goodell to read? Or will Goodell already have the card in hand?
they have to give him the card still. most likely will take some time off the clock, but not all of it.

just by past experiences atleast.
We all know Jake Long is the pick, but how will it be handled tomorrow? Will the Dolphins still use the ten minutes that are on the clock? Do the two staff members at the Dolphins table still have to run the card up the podium for Goodell to read? Or will Goodell already have the card in hand?

If it is anything like the Mario Williams situation from 2006 . . . the team still goes on the clock and has to put in their card to make their slection . . . and the name will be given to Goodell to be announced.

I mean I guess they still have to go thru with it just in case a team comes in and floors the Dolphins with a trade.
I would assume they'll probably go through the whole traditional process. Goodell will says the Dolphins are on the clock and by the time he walks off the podium the card will be waiting for him and he'll walk right back out to the podium to announce the much anticipated selection.
Good question. I would imagine that most of the ten minutes will be used for interviews and stuff like that. Goodell will probably have the card in hand for Jake Long, why run up a card when the guy is already signed to a contract?
I am soo looking forward to watching it still.. and finally erase that taste that still lingers in my mouth from last years draft.
Last years draft actually didn't turn out so bad. We got 6 potential 2008 starters out of it.

Jeez, when you think about it, with Beck, Ginn, Booker, and Satale, last years alone may have set our offense up for the next 7 years. We're still very much in the "potential " stage with these guys, but the potential is there with what we know about them and what was shown briefly on the field last year.
Will jake get a jersey with his real number on it...Since they have had a couple days?? From a marketing stand point it would be a good idea.
I'm sure they'll use the time to talk to other teams about other deals. JT being talked about the most I would imagine. If they have the time, I would think they would use it.
I'm sure they'll use the time to talk to other teams about other deals. JT being talked about the most I would imagine. If they have the time, I would think they would use it.

They cant trade out of one now so they really can talk to other teams about deals for the entire draft, it doesn't matter if they kill the clock on their own pick.
I think the Commish will welcome everyone, say the Miami Dolphins are on the clock, and about 30 seconds later the Dolphin's reps will walk up to the podium with Jake Long's jersey and hand their card to the Commish, and then Jake will come up and take pictures with evwryone.....I don't see us taking ten minutes. I think it will be over in less than two minutes.
they have to give him the card still. most likely will take some time off the clock, but not all of it.

just by past experiences atleast.

yeah, they'll let about a minute or two go by and announce it really quick.
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