How Far Up Will Norv Turner Move Our Offense This Season? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How Far Up Will Norv Turner Move Our Offense This Season?


Coaches Corner
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Feb 16, 2002
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After watching the job's Norv has done in Dallas, Washington, and especially San Diego I am really excited to see how much his scheme and playcalling improves our production next year. After all, if he can get SD into the 11th overall Offense last season after the poor performance the year before with the likes of Tomlinson, Conway, Flutie, and that horrible OL in SD I can't wait to see what he does with Fiedler, Chambers, and Ricky Williams. Add to that the fact that our defense is one of the best in the league I can't wait to see Turner work his magic. You guys in So Florida are so lucky to be able to go and watch the Dolphins get to see the growth take place and scheme fall in place. Could you imagine having the 11th rated Offense to go with our Defense?

Originally posted by DOLFANMIKE
After watching the job's Norv has done in Dallas, Washington, and especially San Diego I am really excited to see how much his scheme and playcalling improves our production next year. After all, if he can get SD into the 11th overall Offense last season after the poor performance the year before with the likes of Tomlinson, Conway, Flutie, and that horrible OL in SD I can't wait to see what he does with Fiedler, Chambers, and Ricky Williams. Add to that the fact that our defense is one of the best in the league I can't wait to see Turner work his magic. You guys in So Florida are so lucky to be able to go and watch the Dolphins get to see the growth take place and scheme fall in place. Could you imagine having the 11th rated Offense to go with our Defense?

Now that fired me up!:eek: I'm excited to see the transition and growth Norv will implement into our offense.;) :eat:
Another thing about last year that was impressive......

Another thing that really stuck out about last year was how Norv Turner had just come to SD and was coaching all three of those players mentioned Flutie, Tomlinson, etc...for the first time. To achieve at the level the Chargers Offense did in a single season makes me wonder just what he'll do with even a better QB, WR core, OL, and some guy named Ricky Williams.

This could be a FANTASTIC season Dolfans! I don't know how anyone could not be excited about our team.
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Originally posted by DOLFANMIKE
Another thing that really stuck out about last year was how Norv Turner had just come to SD and was coaching all three of those players mentioned Flutie, Tomlinson, etc...for the first time. To achieve at the level the Chargers Offense did in a single season makes me wonder just what he'll do with even a better QB, WR core, OL, and some guy named Ricky Williams.

This could be a FANTASTIC season Dolfans! I don't know how anyone could not be excited about our team.

That's a very valid point that I never even considered.;) Training Camp begins in July.:cry:
Re: Another thing about last year that was impressive......

Originally posted by DOLFANMIKE
Another thing that really stuck out about last year was how Norv Turner had just come to SD and was coaching all three of those players mentioned Flutie, Tomlinson, etc...for the first time. To achieve at the level the Chargers Offense did in a single season makes me wonder just what he'll do with even a better QB, WR core, OL, and some guy named Ricky Williams.

This could be a FANTASTIC season Dolfans! I don't know how anyone could not be excited about our team.

Great post. Not only was it their first season with Norv, but it was the first season many on the Chargers offense played together. Jay has the advantage of having played with everyone of his wrs for at least one year unlike Flutie. I am so excited about Norv comming down here, I just hope he doesn't do to great so he won't get his own team next year.
Re: Re: Another thing about last year that was impressive......

Originally posted by Dajesus

Great post. Not only was it their first season with Norv, but it was the first season many on the Chargers offense played together. Jay has the advantage of having played with everyone of his wrs for at least one year unlike Flutie. I am so excited about Norv comming down here, I just hope he doesn't do to great so he won't get his own team next year.

Yes, it really is amazing that Norv Turner turned SD around the way he did in a situation like SD had.....all those new faces and marginal players. I guess If Norv does the job we're all hoping he does the odds are high we will lose him, or that he'd be our next Head Coach. I'll take losing him and the Razz in our O that he brings for a Super Bowl though. I'm always optimistic about the team, but this season I really can see us turning our Offense around. Now we need to combine that with stopping the Run on D and we may find ourselves in the big game.
Only 2 months to go until camp....ugggggh. TWO MONTHS.

The off season is sooooo long.

I'm excited just reading you guys posts, now only if we stay healthy, this indeed could be a special season for us..Hopefully the players stay focus and don't ease up..Where's the SB this year? We might want to make reservations now.
San Diego, where I am moving to in October. Already have a line on tix IF we get there.
Only 56 days left and counting before Training Camp. I will be there every single day for both practice sessions, so I will keep everyone well informed!!
Offense stays healthy I think Norv can get us as high as #7.

Defense stays healthy and we add someone like Marco Coleman and Daryl stays healthy and thrives at DE then we could have a shot at #3 or #4 on D. Would make a for a good combo. However as always injuries seem to creep up on this team a lot at key positions. So I'm not overly optimistic yet. However we beat up the Jets twice and I'm going nuts :)
If we finished 14-2, with our two losses coming against the Jets, I would be happy. One thing I don't want to get too caught up in is the whole "WE NEED TO BEAT THE JETS" hoopla. Yeah, it would be GREAT to beat them for the first time in nearly half a decade, but I'm much more concerned with us simply winning the division and getting the bye-week (Although beating the Jets will certainly help us achieve these two stated aims)
Im hoping norv has a get healthy quick wand and waves it on our o line men ...we will go as far as the oline takes us and norv wont be blocking....
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