If it's Bess. I don't think it is. Chad P has already had an impersonator. Maybe this guy is Davone's. Anyone can rattle off stats off the internet and make himself sound like an athlete. If you're just you and you go to a club, no one cares. If you're Bess, you're treated like royalty. People follow you and watch you and ask you questions. I can see why people wouold impersonate a famous athlete.
Not many Phins tweet and those who do don't chatter a lot.
For what it's worth I sent off an e-mail to the Phins telling them about the situation because if this guy is Bess, Davone is in trouble. According to a poster watching his streaming video, he got high on screen. Davone in all his interviews comes across as a thoughtful, determined, quality guy. It's obvious he worked hard during the offseason-dude is ripped. It's possible Bess has a dark side, but I don't think the Bess Twitterer is who he says he is. Why expose yourself to a drug test and a four game suspension by smoking weed on screen? Makes NO sense.
Another poster (romio) who claims to know Bess says that he contacted Bess and Davone does not Twitter.
Sooner or later, I think the Dolphins are going to have to say something. If they had an official list of Dolphin Twitterers that would eliminate the impersonation issue instantly.