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How many do we?


Cement Shoes Distributor
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Aug 4, 2004
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South Carolina (from MIAMI)
Okay, so how many games do we win with Ricky Williams (provided he comes back) AND Ronnie Brown in the backfield as opposed to just Ronnie??
well considering Ricky will probably be kinda useless to us, i don't see how he factors into it all that much.
Saban4prez said:
well considering Ricky will probably be kinda useless to us, i don't see how he factors into it all that much.

I would say useful.

Ronnie Brown + Ricky Williams = Great 1st season for Nick Saban and inredible backfield.
Im sold on ricky as a person. I've always liked him. I think he's dealt with problems that no one else in the universe could have handled while playing football. My main problem with Ricky right now though is, hes not 230 some pounds like he was when he was playing. I love the guy, but lets face it, hes not gonna be the same player.
IF Ricky can get into the shape he was in when he got 1800 and 1500 yards that would be 3-4 more wins, but that I think that is way too optomistic...I just hope he makes the team and is a solid backup to RB.
Dolphins044 said:
I would say useful.

Ronnie Brown + Ricky Williams = Great 1st season for Nick Saban and inredible backfield.

I see the RB+RW factor really helping with the WIN factor 12-4 or 11-5:cooldude:
Saban4prez said:
Im sold on ricky as a person. I've always liked him. I think he's dealt with problems that no one else in the universe could have handled while playing football. My main problem with Ricky right now though is, hes not 230 some pounds like he was when he was playing. I love the guy, but lets face it, hes not gonna be the same player.
I think I feel the complete opposite of you, respectfully. Ricky the person is not someone I want as a Dolphin. However, he has until the middle of October to get into shape, plent of time.

He doesnt change my feelings about our win total. I think Ronnie will be excellent in the first 4 weeks and Rick wont see the field all that much. I am still at 10 - 6 or 9 - 7.
As a person i'm not to sure i'd want ricky as a teammate either. But i meant more so the off-field problems that rickys had to deal with. It's kinda hard for a lot of people on this board to realize Ricky Williams does suffer from a disease. But a lot of people think if its not a disease that kills you, then its not really a disease.
I think maybe we will win a couple more games with Ricky than we would without him(provided he comes back that is.) If he doesn't become a distraction or cause any problems, I think he would be great coming in for whenever Ronnie needs a breather... and eventually maybe we would be using a duo of both of them and that would just help our offense even more and give us more depth than we originally had. I say a couple more games giving us a better chance at a playoff contender if Ricky comes back and isn't a problem. (Which the jury will be out on for awhile regarding whether he is or not... We don't know for sure yet.)
Saban4prez said:
As a person i'm not to sure i'd want ricky as a teammate either. But i meant more so the off-field problems that rickys had to deal with. It's kinda hard for a lot of people on this board to realize Ricky Williams does suffer from a disease. But a lot of people think if its not a disease that kills you, then its not really a disease.
In that respect I can agree. Social anxiety is very tough to deal, with especially as a celebrity I would imagine. But, with the timing and the conflicting story about why he quit i just dont trust him.
Dolphins044 said:
I would say useful.

Ronnie Brown + Ricky Williams = Great 1st season for Nick Saban and inredible backfield.

I would say useful also. why bring him back if he was going to be usless?

I just can't look at the schedule and say we'll win that game and we'll win that game, How do you people do that with a 4-12 team? Plus we're so bad that Monday Night Football doesn't even want us for the first time ever.
FinsFan74 said:
Okay, so how many games do we win with Ricky Williams (provided he comes back) AND Ronnie Brown in the backfield as opposed to just Ronnie??

my guess just went from a 9 to a WHOPPING 10.
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