How to get all games? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How to get all games?

Run'n'gun Udown

Scout Team
Mar 6, 2005
Reaction score
Central Vermont
Does anyone have any idea on how I can watch all the phins games. I live in New England so I probably will only be able to watch the games against the Pats with regular cable. I have Adelphia, and was just wondering if they sold some sort of package....for anyone who might know!:wink:

ADMIN EDIT: Pull that stunt again and you're outta here.
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Run'n'gun Udown said:
Does anyone have any idea on how I can watch all the phins games. I live in New England so I probably will only be able to watch the games against the Pats with regular cable. I have Adelphia, and was just wondering if they sold some sort of package....for anyone who might know!:wink:
Only company that sells a NFL package is Direct TV.

Also, what is with the links in your post?
Torrents will be available to download after the games are played. I'm not sure if I'm legally allowed to endorse such a comment though.
Yeah sportsbars rule...I go to a place call the Overtime where they show every NFL game. It's mainly a Steelers bar but everyone is welcome..they have the best eats too. The only other option is getting the NFL ticket on DirecTV which I think runs about $150 or so a year??
Roman529 said:
Yeah sportsbars rule...I go to a place call the Overtime where they show every NFL game. It's mainly a Steelers bar but everyone is welcome..they have the best eats too. The only other option is getting the NFL ticket on DirecTV which I think runs about $150 or so a year??

I think I read $200 in another thread. But yeah, sports bars rock if you like that type of atmosphere. Being able to watch every in-progress game simultaneously is quite an experience, and you can have fellowship with fans of all teams
What was up with those links???? What stunt? I wanna know now haha
wonderl33t said:
I think I read $200 in another thread. But yeah, sports bars rock if you like that type of atmosphere. Being able to watch every in-progress game simultaneously is quite an experience, and you can have fellowship with fans of all teams

I think you can get the Ticket for less if you are a previous subscriber and pay early, but I just go to the sportsbar...I usually spend about $20 every Sunday there, but the waitresses are cool and know me and so I get a lot of free drinks.
The only thing is 1 PM EST games start at 11 am here so you gotta hit the bloody marys early. :wink:
Sunday Ticket rules. I live in Michigan and have subscribed to Sunday ticket since it's first season 4 years ago (ironically enough the season I left Miami... God loves me!!). If you can, get it! The only reason I subscribe to Directv is because of Sunday ticket... I've had Adelphia before and it's ok, but nothing beats being able to see the fins every sunday!!
NFL Sunday ticket is the way to go. You get every game and it rocks. The only downside is if a hurricane hits and the game is moved to saturday, then you are screwed if you live outside of where those two teams are playing as we all found out last year.
Go to directv for everything you need to know. I live in upstate N.Y.
and I have had the sunday ticket since day one. I have the HD package and alot of the games are in HD
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