How to Put money on On Sports - Key Numbers Take place in the NBA | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How to Put money on On Sports - Key Numbers Take place in the NBA

Rich Allen

Practice Squad
Sep 14, 2009
Reaction score
I would like to speak to you about the occurrence of key numbers in the NBA. When we first started our examination we were skeptical that we might find key numbers in the NBA the same as we did in football. With football, there are two main ways in which teams will score, by field goals or touchdowns. And barring missed extra points which happen very seldom, this means points increase by margins of 3 or 7 in most cases. This provides a huge opportunity to attain statistical advantages.
But what about in the NBA? There's no big jump like 3 points to 7 points or 7 points to 7 more points like in the NFL. You can have free throws (1 point), regular baskets (2points), or three-pointers (3 points). Still more disconcerting is the difference in the amount of scoring chances that arise in the two sports. In football games, each team generally scores between 3 and 6 times, with a combination of field goals and touchdowns. Opportunities abound for us to find distinct patterns.
In the NBA teams usually average between 75-85 field goal attempts and the free throw attempts usually fall in the 20-30 range for each team. That's well over 200 opportunities between the two teams combined to put points on the board. It's enough to make your head spin!
Yet we surprised even ourselves when we found out that in fact there are key numbers in basketball. The first, and maybe the most evident, is the number 2. This is the number by which point increases happen most often in basketball, and in that respect 2 is to basketball as 3 and 7 are to football. (That's just in case you ever have to take the S.A.T. exams again!)
But it may surprise you to find out that the most common 'fall-on' number in the NBA (the number of the final margin of victory) is in fact … 7! When you think about it, there is some intellect in this. Seven constitutes a three possession game, which can put the actual won/loss outcome out of grasp and teams will usually stop fouling in the final seconds if they can't tie it up with two possessions or less.
Not coincidentally, 7 is also one of the key numbers in my NBA system. There are other numbers that come about with high incidence and there are also numbers that oddsmakers install that make it either easier or more complicated for favorites to cover. You don't need to do all the study yourself. Instead you can take a look at the my statistical system.
The key to winning basketball wagering is to figure out these key numbers and the reason behind them before anyone else does. This gives you a huge advantage going into a slate of basketball games. This gain can make the difference of a slight percentage point in your won-loss percentage, which is so vital when 52.7% is the percentage you must get to turn a profit when gambling on football or
Good luck with all your wagers this season and don't forget the NBA has key numbers just like in football!

Best regards,
Rich Allen - aka Sports Betting Professor
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