Hyde: What should Dolphins spend on Tannehill? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Hyde: What should Dolphins spend on Tannehill?


FinHeaven VIP
Jun 23, 2005
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WARNING: This column contains blatantly positive thoughts on Ryan Tannehill, continuing my intransigent optimism for his game, my lonely suggestion he can become a top-10 quarterback and an easy explanation why the Dolphins have internally discussed a contract extension for as much as seven years and $105 million.

Yes, I know. That number jumps out. One-hundred-and-five-million. At first glance, it might seem – what's the delicate word an e-mailer wrote – "stupid" that such a figure could be linked to a quarterback who hasn't been to the playoffs, much less won something significant.

But when you look closer it would be stupid not to consider such an idea. It would be stupid not to explore ways to lock up the Dolphins quarterback beyond the upcoming final year of his contract worth $2.1 million.

There are only two ways:

1.The Dolphins can exercise an option by May 3 to keep him for 2016 by guaranteeing he'll make the average of the 10 top salary-cap number for quarterbacks. It should be about $15 million. The advantage with this two-year deal (averaging $8.5 million) is you buy time to see if he keeps improving. The risk is if he does, the price increases.

2.They can negotiate a longer deal that rewards Tannehill, keeps his cost in check if he progresses and yet offers an exit ramp if doesn't. The framework discussed inside the team is an incentive-laced seven-year deal anywhere from $85 million to $105 million.

So what is it, Door No. 1 or Door No. 2? Buy the short-term view or invest in a longer term?

Still, when Tannehill entered the NFL with 19 college starts, you couldn't have expected much more development than he has achieved. This year, he threw 27 touchdowns and 12 interceptions with a 92.8 quarterback rating.

That's a good season. The question is if he can make the next, progressive stride to a great season. And, by great, it's not just improving a controlled yards-per-pass (he ranks 28th) or his fourth-quarter quarterback rating (23rd).

The other, less tangible step he needs to take is getting teammates to want to play with him more. No, that's not it. They need to love to be led by him. Many say all the right things publicly. Privately, they're not so sure. Is it them? Is it him?

Read the entire article at
I don't think we need to be throwing out some Kaepernick or Flacco deal, but the rumored details of the 7 year, 105 mil werent bad imo. I'd try to get a little less, but what are you gonna do in a league thats so keen on overpaying. We know with Ireland he'd sign him to the biggest contract ever, so thats a positive at least
I don't think we need to be throwing out some Kaepernick or Flacco deal, but the rumored details of the 7 year, 105 mil werent bad imo. I'd try to get a little less, but what are you gonna do in a league thats so keen on overpaying. We know with Ireland he'd sign him to the biggest contract ever, so thats a positive at least

Kaepernick has an extremely team friendly deal with only his salary for the 2015 season guaranteed. I doubt Tannehill will sign such a deal with the uncertainty of the head coach and front office hanging over the organization.
Really? I just seem to remember him getting a ridiculous contract for him being... him
Really? I just seem to remember him getting a ridiculous contract for him being... him

The 49ers and Kaepernick agreed to a seven-year, $126 million deal last summer that ended up being only $13 million in guaranteed money for the University of Nevada alum.

The team retains the right after each season to release Kaepernick, and as long as it's done before April 1, not owe him a single penny.

That puts Kaepernick in a year-to-year lease - much like the St. Louis Rams, but also like his former head coach who bolted to Michigan at the end of last season.

In truth, the "seven-year, $126 million deal" Kaepernick signed last summer actually amounted to a $13 million signing bonus and then seven one-year contracts.

By the way, his 2015 salary has already "de-escalated" by $2 million -- down to $10.4 million -- because he didn't make the All-Pro team or lead the 49ers to the Super Bowl.

It was a bad deal for Kaepernick and it wasn't the most cap-friendly situation for the 49ers, who still must account for Kaepernick's future salaries in cap projections.

According to the excellent overthecap.com website, Kaepernick's cap number for 2015 now is $15.3 million (adding in the prorated bonus amount).

For 2016, it's $16.8 million.

For 2017, it's $19.7 million.

You see where this is headed.
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So its got good options indeed, but still, 18 mil a year for him.
I really don't give a damn what we pay him, not my concern nor my money, just make sure it's enough so that he never considers leaving Miami.
Tannehill MUST take the next step in his development. In 2016 he needs to have the 35 TD passes and 4,500 yards passing. He needs to hit more deep passes and develop more pocket awareness. He needs to become the unquestioned leader on offense. Follow that up with leading the team to the playoffs.
Tannehill MUST take the next step in his development. In 2016 he needs to have the 35 TD passes and 4,500 yards passing. He needs to hit more deep passes and develop more pocket awareness. He needs to become the unquestioned leader on offense. Follow that up with leading the team to the playoffs.

First it was 30 TD's and 4,000 yards. Now this non-sense. Next it will be "if Marino could pass for 5,000 in '84 then Tannehill should be able to do it in this day and age"... :yap:

Pay the man, lock him up, build the team around our franchise QB and the playoffs will be an annual trip.
If Tannehill is worth $14+ million per season then we need to see the 35 TDs and 4,500 yards passing and a ranking in the Top 10 in NFL QBs or he isn't worth it.
If Tannehill is worth $14+ million per season then we need to see the 35 TDs and 4,500 yards passing

Correction: If Tannehill is worth $14+ million per season then I need to see the 35 TDs and 4,500 yards passing

As the season progressed, Tannehill was/is and performed as a top 10 QB, therefore rendering the sought after fantasy statistics irrelevant. The wins will come as we address the rest of the team with better talent.
If Tannehill is worth $14+ million per season then we need to see the 35 TDs and 4,500 yards passing and a ranking in the Top 10 in NFL QBs or he isn't worth it.

2014 #'s for Tannehill:

Completion %: 66.4 %, #5
Passing yards: 4,045 yds, #11
TD's: 27, #12
QBR: 92.8, #14

35 TD's would be the 4th best mark in the NFL...4,500 yards would be #6. For him to be top 10 in QBR he would have to lift his rating a mind numbing 2.2 points!

He's very clearly already a top 12 QB, and if Eli and Flacco have taught us anything that's all you need. And they weren't in their 3rd year when people came to that realization. Future is bright.

No wonder people aren't happy with Tanny, they expect more passing yards and 3 fewer TD's than Aaron Rodgers in their 4th season. By that admittance he'd be worth $20M a year.
If Tannehill is worth $14+ million per season then we need to see the 35 TDs and 4,500 yards passing and a ranking in the Top 10 in NFL QBs or he isn't worth it.

We really don't need to see it apparently. That's why they are paying him now.
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