I am worried about the D, too | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I am worried about the D, too


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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after reading this Dolphins face cap decisions and thinking about our D possibly w/o Bowens and Marion, we have major problems. We will have to rely heavily on the gimpy Daryl, while losing 3 of our best 5 DL. We will have no depth a LB. And will have lost 3 safeties and Cousins. :eek: :cry:

Wanne-Speil better do a helluva job re-negotiating or our D is not going be very good next year: JT, Zach, Pat and Sam are not enough by themselves to provide a quality D if we lose that many others. :yell:
I THINK, Brock will reneg but if he doesn't we will resign Walker. Freeman is ready to take over and we have Gamble coming back from injury,so maybe we'll be alright there. Also, if Fletcher shows he was worth a first round pick, we will have three top flight corners in the game in passing situations which should cover the slight drop in talent back at the safety position.
As far as the D-line goes, I'll admit that that is the biggest concern on the defense but I think we can replace Brommell w/ D. Bowens or Ogunleye and Mixon with Haley, Grant, or H. Taylor. Even if we have to bring in some stage two free agents we should be able to adequately replace those two guys. DG is the big ?. Will he be able to hold up or not? I tend to think not, I have yet to see a major sports athlete recover from back problems, so the real question is how much will we get out of him? Who knows. That is why I think the number one priority right now needs to be is to get TimBO reneged. He's only 29 years old and has been very durable. Replacing him would be difficult unless we got lucky with a draft pick. Anybody want to chance that?
The only thing I can say about the linebacker position is we have a good top three and then a considerable drop off after that. Hendricks is decent and versatile(if I remember correctly he has played OLB for us a time or two) and then there is the late season addition of Corey Moore who might prove that a change of scenery is what he needed. Either way we are just looking to find some depth and not a starter so we sould be able to take care of that problem at a minimal expense.
I think we will be okay next season and I am even looking forward to seeing some new blood out there. We need some fresh faces on this defense. I think a little change will do some good.
the way the D is structured you need great DT's and CB's. Well we got 2 great ones on the corner, but if the DT's do not come thru, then we will watching lots of games like the one ag. the Ravens. :(
That's exactly why I think TimBo is the most important cog. If we sign him, at worst we'll end up with one great DT playing, if we don't sign him.....:cry:
we need TimBo

if Grant and Haley are healthy, they are decent backups.
There seems to be a ton of LBs available.....we can even go after OJ Brigance, Brad Jackson, and Robert Jones if we wanted them.;)
Originally posted by inFINSible
There seems to be a ton of LBs available.....we can even go after OJ Brigance, Brad Jackson, and Robert Jones if we wanted them.;)
as long as we do not bring back Cliff Odom :goof:
I think that if we dont get either timbo or a couple good dlinemen in FA and draft we could be looking at a 25+ ranked run d next year. I think that is why the two lines are the top priorities this season.
Originally posted by inFINSible
That's exactly why I think TimBo is the most important cog. If we sign him, at worst we'll end up with one great DT playing, if we don't sign him.....:cry:

The only bad thing about that is, I believe TimBo feeds off of DG's vibe. If DG cant go, Im afraid TimBo will lose luster. We need another trash talker down in the trenches with TimBo, because Tim wont say a word to get himself fired up. He seems like a Quiet giant, who needs to be having fun to be productive. The way it seems to me; So goes DG, so goes the Dolphin D! As far as I can tell from last year anyway. Maybe this year, the linebacking corps will get a little better and can pick up some of the slack from a DG-less D-line(If need be)! The ends are not really a concern, because like you said D. Bowens can play opposite J.T. Im still spooked at the possibility of losing Brock! I know some of you guys are high on the Freeman kid, but Brock is like a security blanket, I just feel safe with him calling shots! A funny thing about the D is, they got all these accolades about the secondary, and how good a tandem Sam and Pat are, and how the Dolphins had the #1 passing D in the league, but that was because teams folded the tent on their passing game, while rushing the entire second half! Talk about a slow agonizing death! The corners didnt give up much yards from scrimmage, but backed a dump truck up filled with penalty yards:lol: You dont have to throw for 200yds/game, when you lead the whole game, and the opposition cant stop the run! As much as I like TimBo, WE NEED DG back at or over 100%!! Just reality!
we also need to change the D to allow the S's to support the run more and the DT's to more aggressive than they were last year. Of course, then the FS becomes more of a true FS than in 2001 when there were 2 S's deep and no Brock and/or Walker. Ideally, we have Brock and Freeman back there starting next year.
I still think Tim Bo will be back. He will be released on March 1st, but I doubt he will get much attention in Fa. My guess is he sign a contract much like Brock's last year.
The only bad thing about that is, I believe TimBo feeds off of DG's vibe.

You may be right but I hope it's just that he gets double teamed more when DG isn't in there.
Originally posted by inFINSible

You may be right but I hope it's just that he gets double teamed more when DG isn't in there.

Oh yeah, without a doubt, Timbo definetly receives more attetion when the 'Modern Day Gladiator' is out! But when they're in there together it just seems as though they make EACH OTHER look good! And Zach NEEDS both of them healthy!

:monkey: injuries
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