I opened an old trunk the other day for the first time in decades. I recognized it as my travel trunk from USC. I couldn't get it open until going through virtually every key in the house.
Once open, it was loaded with old newspapers from the '70s and early '80s. Primarily sports sections after various events. I have the Herald sports section after both of the Super Bowl victories. Neither one is in great shape but surprisingly the Miami News version after 17-0 is in great condition. They must have used a different type of paper or treatment because of all the papers represented in that trunk -- Miami Herald, Miami News, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Herald Examiner, New York Times -- the Miami News sections have easily held up the best under identical conditions.
A couple of months ago I mentioned that Csonka and Garo were the most popular players on the team. It played out that way in the other sports sections I kept. I have many newspapers from when von Schamann beat out Garo for the kicking job, and the local reaction. That lingered atop the sports sections for days. Likewise when Csonka returned for 1979.
I also have all the papers after Griese announced his retirement. That was a massive story, dominating the front page and sports section for days apiece.
At some point I'll snap photos of some of those papers and post them here. I almost forgot to mention that I also have the Herald sports section after the final regular season win of 1972, to cement 14-0.