I got 1 positive things from the game... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I got 1 positive things from the game...


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
Remember how Tom Brady - Super Bowl MVP, Pro Bowl QB and the reason the Bills have Bledsoe - played last year in Miami shortly after replacing the injured Bledsoe ? Well we beat the Champs 30-10 on October 7, 2001 and Brady 12/24 passing for 86 yards and 0 TDs; NE had 3 FL, but no INTS. Look what happened to them...

maybe I'm reaching :rolleyes:
I can add another. Travis Minor is doing a hell of job returning kick offs.
Maybe you're reaching a bit.....but.....

First of all, it was only ONE game. Secondly, Fiedler isn't out for the year, he'll be back for the stretch run.

I don't think Lucas will play as well as expected to challenge Jay but I just don't see him playing that poorly either. I think he'll improve and fill the stop gap role till Fiedler is ready. Somebody on here made an excellent point, Ray was playing to take over the starting job, not being a back up. If he just plays like a back up and plays within himself, he should be ok.

One question though, I didn't see much of pre season. Could he at least throw the ball then?? Hit the broad side of a barn?
Originally posted by ronnie_augs
I can add another. Travis Minor is doing a hell of job returning kick offs.
on a serious note, I did post last nite a list of positives:

  • Travis Minor as a KR
  • McMichael is still hot
  • Ricky was solid - no Fs
  • pass rush was on Bledsoe's ass all day
  • Mare did not miss any FGs
  • Chris Carter will be a Fin tomorrow
Very interesting point. Still...

Originally posted by dolphan39
Remember how Tom Brady - Super Bowl MVP, Pro Bowl QB and the reason the Bills have Bledsoe - played last year in Miami shortly after replacing the injured Bledsoe ? Well we beat the Champs 30-10 on October 7, 2001 and Brady 12/24 passing for 86 yards and 0 TDs; NE had 3 FL, but no INTS. Look what happened to them...

maybe I'm reaching :rolleyes:

Still, I think Bray's performance had more to do with what our defense did that day whereas what Lucas did yesterday was almost entirely his own (un)doing.

Nevertheless, I think this performance could possibly serve as just the right kind of motivation that Lucas needs to play the way he KNOWS he can play. And for Norv and Wanny I think it serves as a reminder that NO MATTER WHO YOU'RE PLAYING... run the damn ball!!!

Lucas screwed up (BIGTIME) yesterday. Granted that. But Norv definitely didn't help with his playcalling. And I can't imagine that anyone could possible argue what I've just said. It's two sides of the same coin.
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