I just got back from camp ........... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I just got back from camp ...........


Perennial All-Pro
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Mar 2, 2002
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This is my first time attending a Dolphins practice but I like what i saw from the squad.I arrive 15 minutes earlier so I was able to get a glimpse at individual drills.Boy was it hot!!Perfect weather for a training camp...

Some notes from individual drills:

QB Zak Krustok has some arm strenght...He has some zip on his passes...

FB Rob Konrad caught every ball thrown his way...

QB Ray Lucas accuracy has improved but he needs to put some touch on short passes.

TE Randy McMicheal Wow I was so impressed by this kid.The kid reminds me like David Boston and he is build like him at 6'3 247 pounds(Boston is up to 246 pounds).During the individual drills he caught every thing and he has speed.I think he is our this year Chambers..

Now to 7on7 drills and so on......

DL:I'm not going to comment to much on Defensive line because they are not in full pads yet but I did see a couple of good plays.Rod Kelly knock down a pass from Kustok and he got in there to hurried qb a couple of times along with Ogunleye.Another player I'll like to point out is Atkins because of his quickness.

OL:Really can't say much until players are on full pads.I tell you what they were getting nice push on running plays..

DB:Not much to say here except for #37 Cb Zebbie Lethridge looked lost out there.Is only a matter time until they cut this kid..

Lucas is looking good out there and I'm please that he has been working on his accuracy.

Kustok looks more fluid in the pocket than levick and his accuracy might better also.The kid can also scramble like he did in a couple of plays..

Levick his arm strenght is as strong as Lucas if not better.He just needs to work more on his footwork because I didn't like the way he moves in the pocket(Just not as fluid as Kustok).

*Is going to be extremely hard to choose one of the two because they both look promising.Right now Kustok is ahead of Levick..

RB:I like what I saw from all our RB at camp.

Minor look good catching the balls out of the backfield.I didn't see Minor get any handsoffs..

Henry:He can catch as good as Minor and has very good speed also.He made some nice cuts and made some nice runs.If he keeps going the way he is no reason why he won't be #2 behind Ricky..

Edward:Made a couple of nice runs and but he seems a bit slow(Maybe because I'm getting use Minor and Henry).

WR:We look very strong at WR as others have mention.

There only one word to describe Chambers "Super Star".Wow he just something to watch out there.It just amazing at the acrobatic catches he makes...

Gadsen also made his usual orande catches..

Dedric Ward look good and he hustle like if he was a rookie trying to make the team..

Robert Baker made a couple of nice catches..I'm really hoping he can maintain his level of play to challenge odgen..

Albert Johnson also got into mix with a nice reception in traffic..

TE:I can't stop talking about Randy McMichael.I think this kid has some real talent.I don't understand how he got overlooked in the draft.He caught every thing thrown his way and what surprising is his speed.I'm guessing he runs like a 4.49 .I think we could be looking at our starter and he looks like he will be a good one too..

Alonzo Mayes was once again in the sidelines....


Konrad caught one pass on the outside....

Femi dropped his only pass thrown his way.

Dyer I didn't see any passes thrown his way but he was in there to block ...

I'm please from what I saw for the most part.I'll be attending next sunday session also .
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Very nice job Minus, very nice!

One question, did you find your way into the Pro Shop?


I can't wait til Tom., you guys are getting me all pumped up.

My first camp report will come tommorrow, and from what I hear they will be in full pads, going all out!
Yeah it was the air conditioning was calling me....
OK Ozzy, you have to give us DETAILS!! lol

Are you going to both practices?

Sunday Camp Report

Well, folks, don't expect much. Not a very exciting day at all. Rather boring, even as training camp goes. My thinking for Wanny's scaled-down practice today, is that the vets report tomorrow, and he may be giving the guys a chance to rest up a little before the REAL action begins (Full pads, and contact).
There were however, some highlights.

First, the off the field action:

The "sightseeing" was excellent. Nothing like a 90* Florida day to bring the scantily-clad honies out.

Richard Molinarie (sp) (The Miami Maniac) was in the stands. For those of you that do not know the name, he is the guy that dresses up in all the fins garb, and pumps the fans up at the games. He always carries signs, as well. He was in mid-season form, with a "beat the jests" sign.

Super-agent Drew Rosenhaus was also in the stands. He is a regular at camp, due to the fact, that he represents many players on the team.

One of the amusing things I like to do at games, and practices is to eavesdrop on the "experts" that are in the stands. Some rather hilarious things can be heard.

A couple examples:

One guy on his cell phone was saying how good Leon Searcy is looking, and that he was going to get his autograph after the practice. Uhm, hello, Searcy reports to camp TOMORROW with the rest of the squad.

Another guy was saying that we will be fine at TE because Hunter Goodwin is the "prototypical Norv Turner TE". LMAO.

Anyway, now to the "action" on the field. Like I say, this was a very scaled-down practice, so I had to hunt for these few highlights.

So here goes:

Special Teams:

Saw a rather interesting punt-block drill, where ST Coach Kieth Armstrong would punt a soccer ball, and the player would block it and then rush to recover the ball. I have no idea why a soccer ball was used. Anyone know?

Ray Lucas impressed again with his arm-strength. He hit OG, CC, and D.Ward, and R.Mac, all for TD's in red-zone drills. The more I see Lucas, the better I feel about our chances of success, if Jay goes out with injury. Kustok again showed lack of arm-strength, and seemed a little off target. Levcik, once again displayed a strong-arm, but did misfire on a couple of chances for scores in the same drill.

I did notice a couple of nice bursts from L. Henry, and R. Edwards. Edwards got a nice burst on a sweep, where he actually cut and burst right through a defender. (Caution, remember, this is still no full-contact, and in shorts). Henry did look good on the couple of plays I saw him run and catch the ball. This looks like a very competitive camp for the entire offensive backfield.

Larry Chester again impressed on one particular play, where he kind of arm-tackled Henry, but Henry did bounce off the attempted tackle. But while it was not really an attempted tackle, it did show the power that Chester has. For those of you that have seen that clip of him chasing Lamar down in the Carolina game last year, it kind of reminded me of that, in that he was able to grasp hold of the running back, and throw him to the ground. If this were real action, it would have been a highlight film type play from a D-Lineman.

Like I say, not really much to report from today's "action". I can't wait till the rest of the squad reports on Monday to see some hitting and more of this competition, and molding this team into the potential champion that we all are hoping for.

Let's Go Fins!!!!!!!
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Can't wait until the actual hitting starts in practices. Now lets just all hope that we stay healthy through camp this year!
Hey Minus, I too, like what I see from Kelly, and Atkins. Don't think they have much shot at making the 53 man roster, but they could be practice squad guys, to bring along for next year.

Randy McMicheal is sure looiing like this year's version of Chris Chambers, in that, there was not that much expected from them when drafted, but they have BOTH made their prescence felt from day one.
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I think Atkins might have a shot of taking Grant spot while Kelly doesn't really have a chance this year.
Originally posted by Adphinistrator87
OK Ozzy, you have to give us DETAILS!! lol

Are you going to both practices?


Well, I wish I could attend both practices, but since I live almost 60 miles from Training Camp, plus having to work, which by the way is 5 minutes from my house, I think the afternoon sessions are made for me. :D
cant wait to read tommorows tc report. Im going to wait it out till jay starts playing, im even thinking of drivning to TB for the scrimage. Call me crazy......... MIA to TB. THATS A LONG DRIVE
Originally posted by Dol_Fan5434
cant wait to read tommorows tc report. Im going to wait it out till jay starts playing, im even thinking of drivning to TB for the scrimage. Call me crazy......... MIA to TB. THATS A LONG DRIVE

You'll have to go to Olando..that's where Tampa is practicing.
Yeah, you really should go on both days. It's INTENSE. As for the preseason game in Tampa on Monday, just skip it. It's gonna be a scrub-fest. Plus, it'll be on ESPN.
Originally posted by Muck
Yeah, you really should go on both days. It's INTENSE. As for the preseason game in Tampa on Monday, just skip it. It's gonna be a scrub-fest. Plus, it'll be on ESPN.

Actually, it may be worth a watch. While players like Ricky, Zach and JT won't be playing much, developing players like Levick, Simmons, and McMichael will get a lot of playing time.
Not stepping on anyones toes I hope, but here is my report from yesterday.....

Minus basically gave you eveything, but I feel obligated to inform you since I get to go.....

I have to give most of my praise today to the RB's, FB's, and TE's......QB R. Lucas also deserves some love....


I wish you guys could see the difference in this offense. It's amazing to say the least. I don't want to create a mass hysteria of hype, overflowing with confidence just yet, but the way things are looking, the Phinz will have a very sound offense under N. Turner.

The way he's spreading the ball around is just awesome. I have yet to see one negative aspect regarding this new offense. It's almost like a whole new team.....

R. Lucas was getting chants from the crowd, and during the red-zone drills, he threw three straight TD's....

R. Lucas has certainly rapped up the back-up job behind J. Fiedler. While T. Levcik and Z. Kustok continue to grow, and improve, neither has looked as sharp as R. Lucas IMO.....

The TE's are looking great. Even TE S. Draper is making waves in this offense. Not to mention that rookie TE R. McMicheal is already looking like the next great TE in Phinz history.....

I can go on and on about this new offense. There are so many new and exciting things going on. We've never seen an offense like this....

The great thing that this offense has brought with it, is EXTREME COMPETITION. There are battles going on at almost every position on this offense right now, and everyone is playing very well.....

The overall feel yesterday was one of confidence. Today will be the real deal, and I'll be there at 4:00....

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