I predict the Phins go 7-9 this season | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I predict the Phins go 7-9 this season

1-6 wins just by defense alone.

The lack of meeting the high expectations for the defense last year causes people underestimate the improvements in the defenses. The impact of Burnett is vastly underrated. Crowder was the primary weakness that offenses targeted. I expect our ability to get off the field on defense will improve drastically.
No way they sweep the Jets. And the Giants and Cowboys are nothing now, both have scrapped offensive lines. They scare no one. And Oakland and Cleveland are nothing to sneeze at now. So record may worse than originally posted in first post.
LMAO, take it like man and choke on it, stick with this shiz F.O. and coaching staff. If you like mediocrity then keep praising these shizbags. Excuse for next week will be Browns know Dabolls play book and the week after that is Phil Rivers, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Grow a set and ***** these shiz bags out, to get this franchise back where it once was.
lmao, take it like man and choke on it, stick with this shiz f.o. And coaching staff. If you like mediocrity then keep praising these shizbags. Excuse for next week will be browns know dabolls play book and the week after that is phil rivers, blah, blah, blah. Grow a set and ***** these shiz bags out, to get this franchise back where it once was.

hell yea!
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