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I realize...


Go Fins
Oct 10, 2001
Reaction score
...we are all excited about todays game(and rightfully so), but IMO after 8 straight losses, we still need to go to the Jets house and smack them in the mouth later this season to get the full effect.
I'm not trying to take away from the win.I am quite pleased myself.I just want nothing less than to sweep them this season.

Va Dolfan

J-E-T-S suck!suck!suck!
know what you saying va and I agree to an extent, but this was the sweetest victory this team has had since we beat the Bears on MNF in '85. There was no way we were beating the Jets (w/o major Jets injuries) in the swamp without this win. So the road to the new streak has been paved. :D
Originally posted by iceblizzard69
The Dolphins better beat the Jets the second time they play each other because I am going.
in that case, I guarantee you a V ;)

Maybe I should go to my first Fin-Jets game in the Swamp since The Marks and Woody Bennett played for the Fins
Originally posted by dolphan39
in that case, I guarantee you a V ;)

Maybe I should go to my first Fin-Jets game in the Swamp since The Marks and Woody Bennett played for the Fins
where did u get tickets? im treyign to get some cuz i live in new york
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