last week I posted a comment that mentioned that we didn't deserve the playoffs, it was not the topic, just a comment in my post, and I got some bad feedback, some of it saying that I was not a true fan. After this season, I think we can all agree that we really did not deserve it. Not as a fan, as fans we all deserve it for what we have endured, but the miami dolphins did not deserve the playoffs this year. You can blame it on the coaches, the injuries, the way our defense played, or the way that our offensive playes were called. The bottom line is that as a team, we did not deserve it. This does not mean that we have not improved. We will be better. I was around during the Dan Marino Days, and I do know the heartache that all of the dolphin fans have. And I can tell you that for such a young team, we are playing very well, but not good enough. This year we only played half games, either we played during the first half or the second half.We then played like total crap during the other half. Let me tell you this, when we were at our best, we couldn't be stopped. If we come out next year firing on all cylinders, we will be the dolphins that everyone has bee waiting for. I also believe that people on this forum will still find something to complain about.