I still think Saban has another trick or 2 up his sleave. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I still think Saban has another trick or 2 up his sleave.


Active Roster
May 3, 2004
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in my house
We are all in for another surprise or 2 before the start of the season - and unlike any other time in recent or distant memory we are all going to be HIGHLY surprised come opening day. No-longer is training camp open to us die hard fans and no longer can the media linger and reveal aspects of our team's strategy and status of player development. No we will be in the dark about many aspects of this team until we see it unfold. Players be used in unique ways and talents making themselves apparent before our eyes.

People do not want to be too optimistic because they feel burned by their own enthusiasm for their beloved Dolphins while they were being dragged through the mud by that lame excuse for a coach wanny.

When the Broncos played the Packers in the Superbowl Vegas had the line at Denver +14 1/2. Why? Because the NFC had won 11 of the past 12 superbowls. I told my brother to bet that game and we both did - made out nicely. The Broncos had Terrell Davis and they had Elway and they were playing like ANIMALS!

So Vegas was going on a trend. Fans are hypnotized by the same forces.

This team has so little to do with last years team that it basically comes to down to meaning nothing. New staff, new players, new system, new spirit, new desire, new attitude and an absolutely fierce desire to win.

We will win and we will win big - a superbowl is not likely - but we are not that far either.
One thing is for sure. Denver will not know what to expect. They may attempt to prepare for the offense Linehan ran in Minnesota, and I don't believe we will exactly be like that. We are going to have more thump in our running game than Minnesota had, and overall, I believe we have a better collective group of receivers.

Defensively, they may prepare for the old Dolphins defense. When Nick starts shifting fronts and stunting defensive linemen, Denver will be thrown off big time.
If Linnehan was buying the groceries (ala Parcells), do you think he would have wanted Brown or Braylon? I can't wait to see how many different ways we use Ronnie, nor can I wait to see our beautifully versatile front 7. Does Saban blitz a lot?
KB21 said:
One thing is for sure. Denver will not know what to expect. They may attempt to prepare for the offense Linehan ran in Minnesota, and I don't believe we will exactly be like that. We are going to have more thump in our running game than Minnesota had, and overall, I believe we have a better collective group of receivers.

Defensively, they may prepare for the old Dolphins defense. When Nick starts shifting fronts and stunting defensive linemen, Denver will be thrown off big time.

I don't think the WR's on the roster are better than the WR Minnesota had last year. I think while teams won't know what to expect it's going to take time for the team to adjust to the new schemes and for Saban to adjust to the pro game. Regardless of how good of a coach Saban is if the QB play is not much better than it was last year then the team is still going to be bad. I don't expect the Phins to compete for the playoffs this year, I hope they do but realistically I think an 8-8 record should get Saban some coach of the year consideration.
"What does the future hold for Duff? Let's just say we've got a few tricks up our sleeves." (Duff Beer spokesman)

"Like what?" (Homer)

"uhh… I'd rather not get into it right now." (Duff Beer spokesman)

"Why not?" (Homer)

"OK. We have no new ideas for the future. We've got nothing. You happy?" (Duff Beer spokesman)

"No." (Homer)
beejay05 said:
If Linnehan was buying the groceries (ala Parcells), do you think he would have wanted Brown or Braylon? I can't wait to see how many different ways we use Ronnie, nor can I wait to see our beautifully versatile front 7. Does Saban blitz a lot?

I was at the sugar bowl where saban beat my sooners, and yea he loves to blitz. I saw it in that game, jason white got the pressure and couldnt take it.
beejay05 said:
If Linnehan was buying the groceries (ala Parcells), do you think he would have wanted Brown or Braylon? I can't wait to see how many different ways we use Ronnie, nor can I wait to see our beautifully versatile front 7. Does Saban blitz a lot?

I've been drooling for days over the prospect of the offense lining up in singleback only to have Brown motion into the slot. I'd be moving him all over the place, and all the time. I can't remember the last time I saw our team line up with four wide without thinking, "Good Lord, this isn't going to end well."
KB21 said:
One thing is for sure. Denver will not know what to expect. They may attempt to prepare for the offense Linehan ran in Minnesota, and I don't believe we will exactly be like that. We are going to have more thump in our running game than Minnesota had, and overall, I believe we have a better collective group of receivers.

Defensively, they may prepare for the old Dolphins defense. When Nick starts shifting fronts and stunting defensive linemen, Denver will be thrown off big time.

You can say that again KB, and, I believe another advantage Nick has is the 5 preseason games, I believe we'll be as vanilla as can be. Maybe a look here or there of something, but we'll give nothing away in our preseason games. I believe all the preparation and work will be done during training camp and at practice and like you said, no one has access to any of that. What do you gameplan for? against? Minnesota's O? It will be different, LSU's D, think again, Miami's D from last year, good luck. It will be like trying to learn how to speak Chinese in 3 hours... I also think that we'll run so many plays off of what we set up in early games or earlier quarters... in game and game to game coaching.. everytime they'll think they have it figured out, they get something new.. I love it, to have a plan, how original huh?
raving said:
We are all in for another surprise or 2 before the start of the season - and unlike any other time in recent or distant memory we are all going to be HIGHLY surprised come opening day. No-longer is training camp open to us die hard fans and no longer can the media linger and reveal aspects of our team's strategy and status of player development. No we will be in the dark about many aspects of this team until we see it unfold. Players be used in unique ways and talents making themselves apparent before our eyes.

People do not want to be too optimistic because they feel burned by their own enthusiasm for their beloved Dolphins while they were being dragged through the mud by that lame excuse for a coach wanny.

When the Broncos played the Packers in the Superbowl Vegas had the line at Denver +14 1/2. Why? Because the NFC had won 11 of the past 12 superbowls. I told my brother to bet that game and we both did - made out nicely. The Broncos had Terrell Davis and they had Elway and they were playing like ANIMALS!

So Vegas was going on a trend. Fans are hypnotized by the same forces.

This team has so little to do with last years team that it basically comes to down to meaning nothing. New staff, new players, new system, new spirit, new desire, new attitude and an absolutely fierce desire to win.

We will win and we will win big - a superbowl is not likely - but we are not that far either.

I wouldn't say there's going to be more surprises. Saban really hasn't had any surprises all season. He's just making solid decisions and building us up with role players. No real surprises are in store until kickoff when the experts are proved wrong.
djfresh47 said:
I don't think the WR's on the roster are better than the WR Minnesota had last year. I think while teams won't know what to expect it's going to take time for the team to adjust to the new schemes and for Saban to adjust to the pro game. Regardless of how good of a coach Saban is if the QB play is not much better than it was last year then the team is still going to be bad. I don't expect the Phins to compete for the playoffs this year, I hope they do but realistically I think an 8-8 record should get Saban some coach of the year consideration.

I agree with you. I think we actually will compete for a playoff spot but will miss it. 8-8 or 9-7 sounds about right to me. Our QB play is completely the difference between 5-11 and 10-6 in my mind.
Gus can do some fun things but I am very interested to see if Feeley can shake off his piss poor season and lead us to victory.
KB21 said:
One thing is for sure. Denver will not know what to expect. They may attempt to prepare for the offense Linehan ran in Minnesota, and I don't believe we will exactly be like that. We are going to have more thump in our running game than Minnesota had, and overall, I believe we have a better collective group of receivers.

Defensively, they may prepare for the old Dolphins defense. When Nick starts shifting fronts and stunting defensive linemen, Denver will be thrown off big time.

God I luv the positive KB!!!

KB21 said:
One thing is for sure. Denver will not know what to expect. They may attempt to prepare for the offense Linehan ran in Minnesota, and I don't believe we will exactly be like that. We are going to have more thump in our running game than Minnesota had, and overall, I believe we have a better collective group of receivers.

Defensively, they may prepare for the old Dolphins defense. When Nick starts shifting fronts and stunting defensive linemen, Denver will be thrown off big time.

Add on to the fact that home Spetember games are our strong point.
A key to watch about the Saban Defense is that nearly everyone one on defense will be shifting around... unlike most teams that only shift the the down linemen or more a LB around. Remember that Saban will "get into a QB's head" by shift the secondary around too.
raving said:
We are all in for another surprise or 2 before the start of the season - and unlike any other time in recent or distant memory we are all going to be HIGHLY surprised come opening day. No-longer is training camp open to us die hard fans and no longer can the media linger and reveal aspects of our team's strategy and status of player development. No we will be in the dark about many aspects of this team until we see it unfold. Players be used in unique ways and talents making themselves apparent before our eyes.

i wouldn't be surprised - he has a vision and a bunch of new players that fit more to his style - it wouldn't surprise me to see a higher profile cut or a trade before the season starts
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