i sure hope jason is wrong.............. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

i sure hope jason is wrong..............


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Sep 2, 2001
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PREDICTED SCORE- St. Louis Rams 45 New England Patriots 21

i'd like to see a competetive game! i've seen enough blowouts this year!:fire:
I hope I'm wrong too

Im pulling for the Rams but I hope its at least competitive. Boring Super Bowls are the pits. Last year, I went to a Super Bowl party at a friend of mines place and they all kept turning off the game and turning on Professional Wrestling and MTV. Yuck!!
Re: I hope I'm wrong too

Originally posted by Dolphins13Fan
Im pulling for the Rams but I hope its at least competitive. Boring Super Bowls are the pits. Last year, I went to a Super Bowl party at a friend of mines place and they all kept turning off the game and turning on Professional Wrestling and MTV. Yuck!!
watching paint dry would be more exciting than watching the ravens/giants!;)
I'm going to say...

Rams 27 Patsies 17. I won't be surprised if it's not a blow out like everyone is saying. No one thought NE would get by Okland or the Steelers, but they seem to find a way to hang in. However, I feel that the Rams just have too much talent on the offensive side for NE to handle the entire game.
the fact that the rams...........

play in a dome and the pats play outside, that alone will sway into the rams favor. i might be surprised but i think you'll see bledsoe in the third if not before. brady is a rook and sure to be rattled! its a big game!:rolleyes:
I want to see a blowout.....

I would love to see the Rams kick the **** out of the Pats. I hate them, always have and always will. Logic will lead you to believe that the Rams will anhialate the Pats. The Rams are much better. However, I've got this feeling in my gut that the Pats are going to win. Not only are they going to win, but they are going to win big. I hope I'm wrong.

COME ON MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 AND 1/2 MONTHS TO GO!!!!!!!! IT WILL BE HERE BEFORE WE KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!
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