what 20-20 hind sight?
if ANYONE would have looked into those tackles everyone came in their pants over and studied a bit about the our ZONE BLOCKING SCHEME, james was the PERFECT GUY!! the others didnt have either the feet, the lateral movement, the athleticism to get into the second level, or all the above!!
the ONLY question about james was the question about EVERY draft pic........ CAN THEY DO IT IN THE NFL??
and james, so far, has answered that very well. VERY well. james was NO reach, not to the informed.
so, again, this is why a SMALL bit of us, half of one hand, wanted hickey. we needed a REAL talent evaluator and he was the one of the only two PROVEN evaluators. there is more young, promising talent in ONE load with hickey than all of irelands gems. and the 3 before.
everyone seems to either forgetting or ignoring the fact that we still have 80% or more of the ireland regimes players on this squad. guys we have been LOSING with for years. NO GM can get rid of and replace that many players in ONE off season!!
hickey is NOT to blame in ANYTHING that has happened this year and wont be at years end.
never seen a more bipolar board.