I wish............... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I wish...............


Practice Squad
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
I could go to sleep tonight, and wake up on draft day. I can't stand this, its like we have talked about every possible scenario there is regarding this draft and now all we can do is sit and wait.
If you wish really hard and stop making personal attacks, I think we might just find a way to cover a few scenarios that haven't yet been touched on.

After all, I just have to know what we do if the best players available are all running backs and cornerbacks! ;)
Originally posted by TheBostonBomber
I could go to sleep tonight, and wake up on draft day. I can't stand this, its like we have talked about every possible scenario there is regarding this draft and now all we can do is sit and wait.

I'm with you....The wait sucks!!!
well the nba Finals are on the way so that will help ease the wait and pain on the nfl draft!

Go Kings!@! Fu*ck The LAKerZ
The NHL Playoffs are helping me kill time. Sadly my Panthers are not in the Playoffs.

Also, I am getting sick of going back between Andrews and Evans. I can't make up my mind. This week I am saying Andrews, come draft day who knows. We probably won't pick either. Our luck they draft a Punter.
Waiting for the draft is not hard for me. Waiting for the season to start after the draft is gonna be very hard.

Ozzy rules!!
My New York Knicks will entertain me til draft day.

Hell, they'll entertain me til Training Camp.

New York KNICKS All The Way Boyz!!!!
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