Iam new here... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Iam new here...


Practice Squad
Jan 16, 2003
Reaction score
Iam from New Orleans, and the Saints are still my favorite team but the Phins are now my second fav team. Iam a huge Ricky Williams fan and my parents lived around him when he was in New Orleans I talked to him a couple of times and he was a very nice guy. I was so happy to see him doing what I knew he could do. Speaking of Miami I am going to Transfer to UM in the Fall(Iam a huge Canes fan), wish me luck anyways I will be around.
Any Ricky fan is cool in my book! Welcome to finheaven!

Glad to have you!

Maybe in time we can push the Fins to the top of your list.
Well If i get into UM, I will probably become more of a Phins fan because I will be right around them. Iam just so happy to see Ricky happy, he was not in New Orleans and really can not blame him. I hope he wins a ring with the Phins he deserves it. As far as Qb I would take Fiedler on the Saints anyday. He definetely improved this year. Aaron Brooks has choked two years in a row. I think Fiedler would not have been hurt Miami would still be playing right now!
You may be a Dol-Fan and saints may be your second team after you leave South Florida. You will love the atmosphere here and how we all love our FINS...TV, Radio, online. You may be a Dol-Fan before you leave here.
Man, Fins are #2 are you're transferring to UM- you are on your way to supreme happiness!!!

What will you be studying at UM? I graduated from the music school in '94. It's a great place. I miss Miami a lot (live in Nashville now).
Iam studying Marine Science/Biology. I have heard it is very good in that. I havent been accepted yet Iam in the process of Sending my transfer in. Which is due March 1st
UM has one of the best marine biology programs from what i hear, GL with the transfer, i think u will like it down here
thank you everyone! I will let everyone know if I get in. I went to Miami during the Christmas break and I fell in love with the place. It is awesome. I mean New Orleans can be fun but besides Bourbon Street New Orleans sucks trust me! Miami has much more, much more!
Yes, New Orleans does...

Although Bourbon Street is pretty darn cool...
You will love Miami! I wish I could move down there.
Originally posted by N.OSaintsFins
Iam a huge Ricky Williams fan and my parents lived around him when he was in New Orleans I talked to him a couple of times and he was a very nice guy.

:eek: you're parents must be LOADED...wanna be friends? j/k. welcome to the boards, you'll like it around here. we keep this thing going even in the offseason
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