If stadium vote passes, Dolphins to stay in Miami through at least 2043 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

If stadium vote passes, Dolphins to stay in Miami through at least 2043


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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica

The Dolphins would also sign a non-relocation agreement, agreeing to stay in Miami until 2043. The stadium renovation would be completed by September 2015, the NFL source said.

A lot of other new details in this article about the proposed stadium renovations. Public money is actually 43%, not 49% as originally reported. Dolphins will also repay the money to the county in 2043.

Man I hope this passes, would be nice to completely squash the relocation talk/rumors once and for all.
I agree tired of hearing that there is even a small chance we would move the team. I wouldn't know what to do with my Sundays. It's been a tradition in my house for the last 3 yrs to watch every fins game with my 2 sons.

A lot of other new details in this article about the proposed stadium renovations. Public money is actually 43%, not 49% as originally reported. Dolphins will also repay the money to the county in 2043.

Man I hope this passes, would be nice to completely squash the relocation talk/rumors once and for all.

Well there havent been any relocation talk or rumors just fans pulling stuff out of air. Not once has anything came out speculating the dolphins would move. I will say this does sound better than initially put out. I personally would prefer 33 percent by taxpayers, 33 percent by Ross and 33 percent from NFL. I do wish I could borrow money and pay it back in 30 years lol. Im totally against corporate welfare but at least this seems like an actual attempt to not be exactly that. I would also like in agreement that we will not be asked for renovation money until money is paid back.
It sounds like a good deal to me. But I doubt people even look at the deal on offer. They will just look at the Marlins and vote no.
Well there havent been any relocation talk or rumors just fans pulling stuff out of air. Not once has anything came out speculating the dolphins would move.

Ross may not ever move the team out of Miami, but he isn't going to own the team forever. Eventually he is going to sell it to another billionaire, who is to say what that person will want to do with the team. With no lease with the area, it will always be a concern.
Ross may not ever move the team out of Miami, but he isn't going to own the team forever. Eventually he is going to sell it to another billionaire, who is to say what that person will want to do with the team. With no lease with the area, it will always be a concern.

lease or not the stadium comes with deal which isnt always the case. There are actually limited cities that can actually support an NFL team and it would be risky to move from a prime location and tv market to somewhere else. LA is a huge risk to move an established team that has drawn well when the team has been solid. We averaged 73,000 in 2002. The city of Miami or florida have dolled out plenty of money to help our team owners as well as subsidies as well as giving away land.

A lot of other new details in this article about the proposed stadium renovations. Public money is actually 43%, not 49% as originally reported. Dolphins will also repay the money to the county in 2043.

Man I hope this passes, would be nice to completely squash the relocation talk/rumors once and for all.

There has never been any relocation rumors or talk at all, except on this board. The Dolphins aren't going anywhere, regardless of whether this passes or not.
Miami dolphins the rest of my life! Hope they can get it done so i will never have to worry about relocation again.
There has never been any relocation rumors or talk at all, except on this board. The Dolphins aren't going anywhere, regardless of whether this passes or not.

Who can predict what the new owner down the road will do? They would be inheriting a stadium in desperate need of renovations, empty seats on game day and a local area that gives public money to the basketball and baseball team, but not the NFL team. What the next owner might do is always going to be a major concern without a lease with the area.
Who can predict what the new owner down the road will do? They would be inheriting a stadium in desperate need of renovations, empty seats on game day and a local area that gives public money to the basketball and baseball team, but not the NFL team. What the next owner might do is always going to be a major concern without a lease with the area.

they would inherit empty seast if we continue to be bad, I mean u ignore that we have lost 10,000 fans the past two years. I personally hope local and state governments quit giving away money to sports teams.
I will admit this deal is much better than the crappy heat deal(hey we play in arena for free not to mention u built us two arenas) and the crappy Marlins deal(give all money to marlins). I do find it funny so many act like Sun Life is so out of date but somehow we just hosted the BCS championship lol.

The superbowl arguement is flawed because the NFL is now using the superbowl to force public money from cities so no site is going to be getting as many superbowls as they think.
I'd prefer to see no public money whatsoever, but the fact is that I flat out don't know what sort of financial structure Steve Ross is working with. It's my understanding that all of the public money would come from a 1% increase in the hotel bed tax (I don't think this would scare away even one tourist) and a sales tax rebate on merchandise sold inside the stadium. As a resident of Dade County, I don't have an issue with that deal at all.

What I'd like to see is what kind of financial benefits hosting Super Bowls and other big events brings to the county in terms of revenue. Miami has hosted a lot of Super Bowls over the years, so I can guarantee that someone in the county accounting office knows the numbers. I'd be interested to see them. I do think that drawing in more events -- and especially the Super Bowl -- would have to be worth more for Dade County than the revenue on sales tax from a stadium that may or may not continue hosting a professional football team.
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