If we beat Buffalo | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

If we beat Buffalo

I'd be thrilled, especially if Miami brought its A game in all phases. I think they'll have to do that to have a chance.

At 9-5, Miami would be just one game behind Buffalo, but would own the tie breaker.

Lots of teams in the running so that would give the Dolphins some breathing room in the WC race as well.
any given Sunday.....if we can somehow turn this around on a short week and in bad weather......damn, hard to believe we can do it......just seems to be too many things wrong with this team right now. Like I said in the thread I started.....we need to mix things up to have a chance. Keep doing the same things and we'll get the same bad results
Damn all you naysayers! Don't forget, we can score at any time and anywhere. We were all pissing and moaning last night, then boom! TD. And that is why we could beat Buffalo. The Bills haven't been exactly dominating people.

All we need is for McDaniel to adjust and draw up some plays that don't require throwing it 15+ yards between the hash marks.
How would you guys feel? Just curious..I don't think we will win either but being in the Chargers stadium it felt like we always had a chance till the end. I don't need to hear why we won't win, there are a million threads already. Thoughts?
If we can somehow find a way to beat Buffalo then everything is back on the table, that’s how I feel.
It will take a great effort all the way around, I’m not holding my breathe but it could happen.
The confidence would be right back to where it was before we hit the road trip and we would be in a good spot….Here is hoping my friend….!
If we beat Buffalo in December in primetime in what seems to be lining up to be a snow game... You bet all your sweet cheeks I will be jumping on the ceiling. Owning the tiebreaker when Buffalo would still have to play Cincy would mean the AFC East is still up for grabs.
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