I'm glad we got Traylor and Crowder... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I'm glad we got Traylor and Crowder...


Finheaven VIP
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Apr 17, 2003
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I haven't seen much said about Traylor but he had a great game yesterday pluging that middle.I think he's gonna be huge for our defence.Also, I think Crowder is gonna be a star LB for us.The guy would had gone in the 1st round if not for some injuries but this guy's a player and I'm glad we've got him.He can play the run(will hit you too) but he can drop back and cover too.Overall I'm happy with what I saw.Other than the penalties our team looks pretty good.Another thing I like was the fact that we kept on trowing tha football even tho we were ahead.Wanny would had ran the ball when we were up by 3 and it'd be 3 and out and let the defence play till they were dead.Yesterday after Denver scored we came back with the pass to Booker instead and trying to run it to protect the lead.We played to WIN instead of playing not to lose and I liked that.

Ozzy rules!!
I almost forgot to give Traylor his props, man thisguy is a HUGE reason why we kept them out of the endzone 5 times in a row....he literally takes on 2 O-Lineman and still manages to bring down the RB
He's a load and he did well plugging up the middle.
Traylor had a GREAT game not just by taking up to blockers the whole game but by allowin our linebackers to to whatever they want. Channing Crowder is going to be a GREAT LB but THOMAS IS STILL A BEAST IN THE MIDDLE and Traylor helped keep their blockers off our big LB's.
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