im still not impressed | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

im still not impressed


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Mar 4, 2004
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out of my G**D*** mind
the free agent signings we have made so far do not impress me i do not see how any of these signings get us any closer to the super bowl. Where is the talent that will propell us into the super bowl. we have a unproven quarterback, james is the only one that seems worth it. i still don't see who feely or fiedler(god i hope not) will be throwing to that the other teams defense will be scared of, i know there is still time but i see all of the talent dissapearing
check out How to evaluate your team's decisions By Pat Kirwan Senior Analyst

4. Be patient during the first three weeks of free agency: Let the market come to you. There is a long history of teams overpaying free agents during the first few weeks of buying. Only a precious few of these high-priced players who jump from their old team to a new team ever play in a Pro Bowl again. Most disappoint their new teams. Wait, if you can, and let the market settle down. I learned this one the hard way, and it looks like the Redskins are continuing to be early big spenders.
Re: Re: im still not impressed

Originally posted by dolphan39
check out How to evaluate your team's decisions By Pat Kirwan Senior Analyst

alot of people arent impressed. thats why i am. dont worry, by the time the draft is done, we will have found somebody that starts that was either never drafted or late rounder who shines cus they do their homework. your not suppose to be impressed with no nonames. cus you dont know what the hell your looking at. your not there.
would you have been impressed if we tied up all of our remaining cap money in tait or woody? patience young grasshopper, there is a long way to go
I'll bet the Patriot fans thought the same thing when they kept picking up no names...........
I'm not willing to acknowledge that the FO has no plan thus far. This is RS first time at bat w/o Wanny over his head. Everything I have seen so far indicates smart decisions (W/ Feeley still being an unknown).

Woody was WAY overpriced..Tait would have been nice, but outside our control. I do know that the OL last year flat sucked...and....most of them are now gone. That says that RS has a plan to me...

Keeping Fiedler is smart...not the most popular choice by folks on this board..but a smart move anyway. Particlualy now that he took a pay cut.

I guess I'll wait and see where we are after FA and the draft. Maybe I'm just hopelessly optimistic...but I'm starting to get excited about this teams direction.;)
Originally posted by Dbergan
I'll bet the Patriot fans thought the same thing when they kept picking up no names...........

Yeah,but they got BB not Wanny!!!!!!!!!!!
The only signing that impresses me is the one of Jeno James, but free agency isn't over yet. Have some patience, and maybe we will make a few more signings. You can't judge a free agency period until it is over, and it isn't even close to being over.
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