In a perfect world, if Miami Dolphins made the Superbowl..... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

In a perfect world, if Miami Dolphins made the Superbowl.....


Club Member
Jan 5, 2007
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Los Angeles
Do you attend the game? If so you take a 2nd on the house? haha Or watch the game at home?

I have though about this and I would likely watch the game at home. Have a huge party. I just cant risk watching a Super Bowl and then Miami crashing and burning wasting all the money. Unfortunately that's how I think.. :/
Do you attend the game? If so you take a 2nd on the house? haha Or watch the game at home?

I have though about this and I would likely watch the game at home. Have a huge party. I just cant risk watching a Super Bowl and then Miami crashing and burning wasting all the money. Unfortunately that's how I think.. :/
I might explore the option of in-person. But realistically it's likely out of my price range.

Would like an after party with all the finheaven fans!
I’d watch the game alone. Normally, I watch all games with my buddies (Steelers fan and Giants fan) on multiple TVs in the house, but if Miami ever made the super bowl, I wouldn’t be able to handle them making comments on every bad play.
Tickets went for 10 to 50 thousand the week of for the last super bowl. Looks like it priced out most normal fans. I could redo my man cave for 10k and have enough left over to take the old lady on a nice weekend trip.
I'm not big on seeing games in-person.

To me, large groups of people are really... umm... uncomfortable unless the music is really loud.

I'd watch with my family, who would mostly focus on the food and commercials.
Tough call. Watching it at home would be the smart move…and probably more enjoyable. But it’s also a once in a lifetime event…

I would have to try to go in person.
I live in Los Angeles and would watch it at home. Saving my pennies for the world cup!
I'll watch it at home, assuming I can wrestle the TV remote control from my wife and her "hallmark" stuff - geeze. EAT? When will I have time to eat - half time maybe - anything left in the refrigerator from the day before.

Then I will take a few "victory laps" (or commiseration laps) around my neighborhood to get back on an even keel.

Next, some clever remarks from my computer on Fin Heaven, focused on those who were right if we won and those who are "Lemmings" if we lost.

I will end the season with a "see you guys' next year - LOL"
I'll leave it to you to know if I'm laughing with you or at you.

Then off to the preseason to recalibrate my "Snard-iness" - LOL

Yea, that's what I see my future. - Several Superbowl's in a row that will take me some time to recover from.

I'm tough, I can take it - LOL
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