Incognito's camp will fire back according to NFL article | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Incognito's camp will fire back according to NFL article


He's being unfairly vilified and slandered while his coward coaches who knew the truth yet stood by watching the media feeding frenzy making him Public Enemy Number 1. I hope he's got enough true dirt to inflict some bloody damage all around
The longer Incognito waits the more powerful his info gets.
He would be a fool to fight this in public.....he has a reputation already and nothing he says will sway public opinion, his teammates already know him and like him....he should keep his mouth closed, talk to the investigator and file his complaint against the dolphins with the union and let them fight it out with the team....
He might as well spill the beans his career is on the line
get your popcorn ready!
The dolphins players will bring up the bad things martin did like steal another players car as a joke.
By doing so he participated in the hazing culture..
They won't release anything now that David Cornwell is involved.
I am curious to learn more about the daily physical abuse that Martin allegedly endured. These are big tough guys, is it common practice for them to physically abuse the young members of the team? I ignorantly assumed that the players just practice, study their opponents and play the games. I would not be surprised if Incognito enjoyed bashing up his teammate on a regular basis. If the physical abuse comes out and can be confirmed, it will reflect very poorly on the team and our coaches. It's not too much to expect the high drafted rookie to join the team to play football. Not to be the personal toy to be physically and verbally abused by his teammates, in the name of toughening him up.
The longer Incognito waits the more powerful his info gets.

If he has any evidence, texts, vmails, etc .... it's best to let the NFL put that out there for the media after their investigation. You are absolutely correct though, the longer he waits, the better.
Just like Ricky Williams said, the right thing to do if the NFL becomes overwhelming is just leave and take a break. You don't have to demonize anyone to do it. Martin is the one firing a shot over the bow by throwing the team under the bus. You can see how angry the Dolphin players were by that. This goes beyond Incognito, the sportscasters keep saying that, and for Martin's attorney to get any traction with a lawsuit against the Dolphin organization, they'd have to prove they were aware of an issue and that Martin went to management to rectify the situation and that they failed to. I'm not so sure he can prove that.

It seemed like a clever move at first, to target one player (Incognito) as the primary evildoer, but sometimes you should be careful what you wish for. Once Incognito gets over being stunned by this, he's going to get revenge by digging up everything he can. While he seems like the type that has trouble locating clean underwear, much less voicemail recordings,'s possible other people on the team, or other people he knows may have stuff and will happily turn it over to his camp. Martin is burning a lot of bridges with people and that may result in more resources for Incognito.

The drama, I'm afraid, will not end just yet.
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