Ireland Optimistic Henne & Merling Will Sign Before Saturday | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ireland Optimistic Henne & Merling Will Sign Before Saturday


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With players due to report in two days for training camp, GM Jeff Ireland said he feels good about the team’s chances to sign second-round picks Phillip Merling and Chad Henne.

Ireland said he’s spoken several times with each player’s agent as they iron out contract details.

“We’re closer than we were last week when we spoke,” Ireland said tonight during an interview on 560 WQAM. “I’m still optimistic we’ll get those guys done before training camp starts.”

Lets hope so. Both need to be out there from Day 1.
I think they'll sign too. I don't see how holding out benefits either of them. It's not like they're high 1st rd draft picks. especially Merling. He has alot to prove IMO. And Henne needs as many reps as possible.
Its simple.

henne wants to be paid like a starting QB in the league would be, and Merling wants to be paid 5% over what last year's bottom 1st round pick would get, while the Dolphins want to pay him 5% over what last years top of the 2nd round pick got, which is a pretty large sized difference
Henne isn't going to be paid like a starter. The entire league passed on him, thus him falling to the second round. Doesnt matter what he wants, He has to deal with where he got drafted.

As for Merling... Sure he was projected a top draft pick.. but he isn't. I could understand more if he wasn't injured and paricipated in offseason drills. He's going to have to move that money into incentives. I can't see them guaranteeing him what he wants.
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