it's not just you, there are a handful of completely irrational people on here who jump on Mare's jock every time he misses a kick -- as if the sky is falling... here's a newsflash: Kickers don't go 100%... even Anderson missed for Minnesota in 98... Mare is blasting kickoffs and FGs this year quite nicely...
you people who insist Mare consistently misses big kicks don't appear to have a clue... If you'd like to enjoy the kicking nightmares of teams like Dallas, then go ahead... let's all lobby to cut one of the most consistent kickers the past 8 seasons and sign some bum soccer player each week while we lose 3-4 extra games per year ... kicking is a delicate matter, people... you find one who wins you games, you stick with him... hello?... instead of harping on the 2-3 key kicks he's missed that directly led to losses, let's TRY and remember the 2 dozen OTHER games he WON for us with our anemic offense the past 8 years... if that's possible for some of you NFL nazis...