Is there an limit on the number of draft picks a team can have? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Is there an limit on the number of draft picks a team can have?


FinHeaven VIP
May 1, 2002
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I asked this question several weeks ago and no one really answered it. The only reason I am asking it that some poster indicated a team could have no more than 12 picks. I had never heard that before. If you know something please respond. I will post this same question in the draft forum, but I think it is an important question in both forums.

I think its a good question.... I've never heard of a limit. But I'm sure it has to be a unique scenario to get over a dozen picks, with supplemental picks, and picks received from previous years trades, etc...
I think most teams that have alot of picks use them to trade away to improve their draft position. I don't see why the NFL would have a concern over that?
No, it's not Madden. A team could get 20 if they were so inclined.

Compensatory picks are limited to 4 per team however. Roster limits
are in-effect, making draft pick limits moot.
Nope, teams are free to amass as many picks as they can get their hands on. See: JJ getting all of those picks for H. Walker / Ditka trading away his entire draft for RW.
224 regular picks is the maximum, 32 teams, 7 rounds + a possible 128 Compensatory picks bringing it up to 352 total that a team could have
So who came up with the 12 pick Max cause as stated before, its been posted over these forums more than once?
224 regular picks is the maximum, 32 teams, 7 rounds + a possible 128 Compensatory picks bringing it up to 352 total that a team could have

Nice attempt, but according to Article XVI of the CBA:
The Draft shall consist of seven rounds, with each round consisting of the same number of selection choices as there will be Clubs in the NFL the following League Year, plus a maximum number of additional Compensatory Draft Selections equal to the number of Clubs then in the League, with such Compensatory Draft Selections reserved for Clubs losing certain Unrestricted Free Agents. Each Draft shall be held between February 14 and May 2, on a date which shall be determined by the Commissioner.​
That says to me that max comp picks would be 32 - not 128.
An NFL team may not exceed 10 draft picks
Actually there is no limit, while it is rare that a team would have more than 10 picks (not including the comps) it has happend. I know for a fact that in the 1999 draft the Bears had 13 picks total and only one of those was a comp. They had a pick in every round plus two extra 3rd round picks, an extra 4th, two extra 5ths, and an extra 7th which was the comp. Now unless the rules have changed since then (and I am pretty sure they haven't) that would mean that either you can have as many picks as you can gather or the Bears broke the rules.
Just found out that the Cleveland Browns had 13 picks in the 2000 draft as well. One of those (6th round pick) was a comp. I am sure there have been other teams as well. If you don't want to take my word for it, check out
That says to me that max comp picks would be 32 - not 128.
That is correct, there are 32 comp picks given out every year, most of them are usually at the end of the 7th but they can be handed out as high as the 3rd round.
Just found out that the Cleveland Browns had 13 picks in the 2000 draft as well. One of those (6th round pick) was a comp. I am sure there have been other teams as well. If you don't want to take my word for it, check out

Looking at the level of play the Browns have had over the past 6 years, I'd assume they didn't do much with those 13 picks ..
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