Is this rea really a Fin Fan Forum??? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Is this rea really a Fin Fan Forum???


Sep 8, 2004
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I don’t mean to get you guys more riled up then you already are about the Feeley and Fielder situation, but I think that some of you have gotten out of control with the negativity and some of your comments are outrageous.

I mean I actually just read a thread where someone hoped that one of our offensive lineman misses a block and watch Jay get blind sided!!???

I’m sorry to say, but if he misses the block when Jay is in and gets him killed, what’s going to prevent AJ from suffering the same fate, his quick feet and agile running abilities??

Some would argue that Jay is 35-17 as the starter and has proven he can win and the others would say that he is 35-17 because the defense is that good and Jays quarterbacking was holding the team back from a better record. The same people would also state that with a better quarterback that record would have been 2 times better.

Riddle me this, why did Ricky Williams get pounded over and over last year to the point where he ran close to 1500 yards but at only 3.5 yards per carry?

Why has the coaching staff decided after several years to go to three step drop??

How many times have we seen Jay take some vicious hits from defensive lineman because of missed or partial blocks??? If I am not mistaken I think I even saw a few times where teams have rushed only three or four at us and still get to our quarterback pretty quickly

Wake up people, everything says that our offensive lineman have sucked almost every year that Jay has been here and even at the end of the Dan Marino era. The line has been in a constant state of flux for as long as I can remember and this off season has been the same so offensively you should expect the same. They have no experience playing together and it shows

You guys are so focused on the Quaterback and running back situation that you seemed to forget that neither of those components can work without an offensive line.

How sad is it when Damion McCintosh can just come back from injury and be considered greatest hope for day light on that line. Not to take anything away from him talent wise, but can you tell me with a straight face that a guy coming from another team, coming of off a serious injury, who has not chemistry with the other offensive linemen is your best hope??

You guys expect a quarterback and running back to look good even with an offensive line that’s so loose that they make a 50 year old, $10 a day prostitute blush like she is as tight as a virgin. Ricky Williams yards per carry last year proved that even with a stud at running back, you can only do so much with what your given to work with.

And one more thing, through out his 4 years here can you guys honestly said that Jay has had more than one game breaking receiver to through to??? And even if he did, given the constant pressure he faced from Defensive lineman, would he have enough time to get the ball to them?? I think that one of the main ideas behind blitzing a quarterback is that even if he gets the ball off, if the route does not have enough time develop the receiver will probably not catch the ball.

Yes my friends you guys are correct, Fiedler getting injured this year is inevitable just like every other year he been here. And yes you guys will chant Ray, I mean Griesy, I mean AJ. The part that some of you guys seem to miss when it happens is that this injury is not because jay is not mobile enough or he has bad peripheral vision, but it will because we have an extremely porous offensive line.

On Sunday while some of you “true†Miami dolphin fans sit in front of your couches ripping the right leg off of your Jay Fielder voodoo dolls, I’ll be praying hard as h*ll that the coaching staff has made the right decisions and they buy him enough time to make that one lucky pass that gets us the touch down or in field goal range to get us W number one.
You are a great fan.

Everyone else who doesn't share your opinion on everything Dolphins is garbage......can we now move on! :shakeno: :shakeno: :shakeno:

Threads like this need to be locked.

Sure, some idiot posts he wants to see Fiedler get killed, and you give him more attention than he deserves with your soap box post about it!
MikeO said:
You are a great fan.

Everyone else who doesn't share your opinion on everything Dolphins is garbage......can we now move on! :shakeno: :shakeno: :shakeno:

Threads like this need to be locked.

Sure, some idiot posts he wants to see Fiedler get killed, and you give him more attention than he deserves with your soap box post about it!
I agree. I already let that guy have it. But we shouldn't dwell on one classless fan.
Dolphin1184 said:
I agree. I already let that guy have it. But we shouldn't dwell on one classless fan.

You guys are right. Hoping that bad things happen to a Dolphin player is wrong.

By the way, any chance Hurricane Ivan can make a detour to Australia and blow Ricky into the jaws of a great white shark?

Just asking.
Not everybody who dislikes the Feidler starting scenario hates the guy. Like me, they just don't believe Jay has the arm to make the big plays this team may desperately need without a running game. I respect Jay for his toughness, I wish I could say the same about his performance when it counts and big play ability.

As you know, Jay's record for the beginning of seasons is what 5-2, and 6-2, right? OK, so I guess that our O-line was awesome then, and then suddenly turned to crap when Jay doesn't look good?

See, there are just too many scenarios to support Jay, as well as to criticize his play. Both sides can be justified, so theres no point in putting down people for their opinions on the matter. I guess now we will HAVE to find out on Sunday what he brings this year that he has not brought the last four years.
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