it has been the D that has let this team down, not "Henne's arm..."
The key for the D is simply this.
To Blitz or Not To Blitz?
Can our DB's cover their WR's long enough to disrupt Brees?
Can we put pressure to disrupt Brees w o blitzing?
We'll run the ball well.
We'll score our share of points.
Can we stop the #1 team in NFL - which happens to be pass happy and almost a carbon copy of the Colts except Saints have better running game?
My call:
We play bump man coverage and maul WR's at the LOS.
We overload Blitzes on 1st and 2nd and long yardarge 3rd's.
We play Nickle and Dime
We get Brees dirty
We win.
Nuf said
it has been the D that has let this team down, not "Henne's arm..."
The key for the D is simply this.
To Blitz or Not To Blitz?
Can our DB's cover their WR's long enough to disrupt Brees?
Can we put pressure to disrupt Brees w o blitzing?
We'll run the ball well.
We'll score our share of points.
Can we stop the #1 team in NFL - which happens to be pass happy and almost a carbon copy of the Colts except Saints have better running game?
My call:
We play bump man coverage and maul WR's at the LOS.
We overload Blitzes on 1st and 2nd and long yardarge 3rd's.
We play Nickle and Dime
We get Brees dirty
We win.
Nuf said