It's been quiet | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

It's been quiet


Finheaven QB
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
It's been pretty quiet in here for about a week, so I thought I'd break the silence and see what's up with everyone and see if there is anything going on "behind the scenes."
I am aware of one coaching change, and I am sorry to see it happen. But I'm hoping for the best in all regards.
ok, well I guess I can fill you guys on half of it. I am stepping down from the team all together. I have had some personal matters come up that are going to drain me financially and prob. physical for months to come, although I regret having to, as this would have been the first dolphins game I had ever went to, I have to miss the trip. I really looked forward to meeting you guys as well, you guys have sorta become like a second family to me, but hopefully at a future date I can join.
That's only half of it? Man this can't be good...

Hopefully things get better for ya Eric, wish you the best of luck, bro.
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