So check this out. So I bring my son to the Phins Panthers game. We get there early and I tell him. Hey I want to go get a a new phins visor. All of a sudden he says Dad I'm so sorry. When Mom and I went to get my new phins hat we got you one and forgot to give it to you. Oh well. So I say that's stupid for me to go buy another visor then. Well phins lose that game and I'm pissed have 2hr drive home. I forget about visor. So right before Jets game my son brings out visor and my lucky Phins shirt. I say lucky cause every game I've worn it this year they've won. It's long sleeve and 2 hot to wear a lot of the time. Well I've worn the new visor and long sleeve shirt the last three weeks. I will be wearing it tomorrow. Now it's only weird if it doesn't work. Go Phins