Driven to Therapy
Dont know how it would go down, extra red flags for coaches to include penalties or extra wait time for automatic booth reviews emphasizing on big plays that can be gamechangers. Mind you ive always been against all of the aforementioned but we have the opportunity to watch a great game between rivals that detest one another and give the Jets cred (threw up a little typing that), they came to give us hell and we're giving just as good. If youre a neanderthal like me and my friends this is the kind of game that makes a Sunday what Sundays are supposed to be about and these zebras seem like they want more attention than the game. Even one of the personals called on the Jets was utter BS and as much as i love to watch them bleed, i dont want it like that. A pittbull dog fight being ruined by old idiots... they wonder why ratings are down. Its ridiculous.