I've Lost Some Respect For LeBron James | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I've Lost Some Respect For LeBron James

FinNasty said:
I think it is kinda dirty... because it almost makes it clear that he wants out.

I hope Wade doesnt pull some crap like that. I hope he wouldnt be that concerned about the money that he would put his future in Miami at risk... over a few extra bucks. I hope he signs the 5 year deal... and locks his future up in Miami.

How the F' is it dirty????? If Cleveland doesn't like this deal, then dont' friggin sign it! Both parties know what they are getting into. It isn't like Lebron is holding a gun to their head!

Lebron isnt holding out. He isn't tossing out any threats. He isn't waging a war in the press about anything. He has his demands, Cleveland is metting them. That's it. What's the issue? Good for Lebron for doing his best for getting the most he can with the best possible deal. And good for Cleveland for understanding that and not taking it personally and understanding for the next 3 years they will have the best or one of hte best players in the league making them tons of cash. In 3 years, they go through this song and dance again. THATS REALITY! THATS AMERICA! THATS REAL LIFE people!
FinNasty said:
I like that pic of Ronnie in your sig. You got the original still laying around?

inflames made the sig for me, you'd have to ask him :wink: :wink: :wink:
MikeO said:
Yeah one union brother trying to help out fellow union brothers, let's throw the ******* in jail! :shakeno: :shakeno: :shakeno:

Some of you people have no clue about anything!
He's setting himself up to either:

A. Haul *** out of town, backstabbing his fans and the organization in the process for what essentially amounts to hording gold, or

B. Stick around to cap-strap his team, ensuring they remain mediocre for what essentially amounts to hording gold.

All the while trying to convince others to do the same. I guess he wants accomplices to back him up. Excuse me if I don't find a multi-millionaire sacrificing his fans piece of mind for a few more dollars to be a noble endeavor. :shakeno:
I think this shows two things for LeBron's future with the Cavs.

1) If they don't get close to their goal in the 3 years, then I think that LeBron will probably opt out and find a new team the following year that has a better shot at getting to the finals.

2) If they win the title in the 3 years or if his game involves even more, then he will be getting an even bigger contract and possibly the highest paid player ever in the leauge with all of his deals and things.
it's basically the same deal, but he's not making max money, and it doesn't kick in until after next season.

LeBron will be playing on his rookie salary next year, and then 3 (with a 4th year option) for under the max. He did the move because in the end, he gets more money down the road. It was a great financial move.
Buddwalk said:
you've lost respect for lebron because hes a smart player, who knows his future is not with cleveland? He knows how to correctly market himself, not only is he a great player hes also a very smart buisness man :yes:
Reading comprehension sure is wonderful! I cleared up the "respect" statement already. And, stop crediting him like he knows more than other players. Everyone knows that in three years, the max contract will be 6-years/$150 million. LeBron James knows that more than likely, he's never going to be surrounded with enough talent in Cleveland, so he'll take whatever money he can for the next three years then opt out've his deal to bolt elsewhere for his wonderful $150 million. If he really wants to leave Cleveland that bad, why not just leave next year? Exactly, because he wouldn't be getting that $150 million. This way, whether or not he leaves Cleveland in three years, he's getting his money in selfish fashion. Simply put.

BAMAPHIN 22 said:
Don't blame Labron or any other athlete... If management pays him that..Then more power to him... If you had such an offer would you turn it down?
He doesn't have "such an offer" yet because he can't be offered more than $80 million. He's doing this all for the money, and that's very well known.

Caps said:
He's setting himself up to either:

A. Haul *** out of town, backstabbing his fans and the organization in the process for what essentially amounts to hording gold, or

B. Stick around to cap-strap his team, ensuring they remain mediocre for what essentially amounts to hording gold.

All the while trying to convince others to do the same. I guess he wants accomplices to back him up. Excuse me if I don't find a multi-millionaire sacrificing his fans piece of mind for a few more dollars to be a noble endeavor. :shakeno:

Thank you. I'd feel the same way about Wade if he does this ****.
This is essentially one year less than the offer he would have taken. This fuss shouldn't be happining. He's going to get paid, no doubt....but thats 4 years in the future.
saves said:
This is essentially one year less than the offer he would have taken. This fuss shouldn't be happining. He's going to get paid, no doubt....but thats 4 years in the future.
It's four years with the chance to opt out after three, which he will do.

I don't think you fully understand the reasoning for this. Read the article again. LeBron is doing this because the max he can get now is $80 million over 5-years, when in three years, he'll be able to get $150 million over 6, whether it's with the Cavs (which I very, very highly doubt) or elsewhere. Clearly, it's all about the money added to the fact that he's going to be ready to go elsewhere sooner than later.
Caps said:
He's setting himself up to either:

A. Haul *** out of town, backstabbing his fans and the organization in the process for what essentially amounts to hording gold, or

B. Stick around to cap-strap his team, ensuring they remain mediocre for what essentially amounts to hording gold.

All the while trying to convince others to do the same. I guess he wants accomplices to back him up. Excuse me if I don't find a multi-millionaire sacrificing his fans piece of mind for a few more dollars to be a noble endeavor. :shakeno:

So the guy is trying to make as much money as possible? What's wrong with that? They made it to the 2nd rd of the playoffs what's mediocre about that? Would you prefer if Ricky Williams and Master P gave great advice about contract negotiations? Most people don't make millions of dollars so we don't get how atheletes want more money when they've made more than most of us could ever imagine; but if you're better at what you do than other people and everybody knows it wouldn't you wanna be paid more?
Blueprint said:
Sorry, but even though LeBron James is one of my favorite players and he seems like a great person, this is all about the money, obviously.
well duh..its a business also...he doesnt have to stay in cleveland..what if they stink it up in 3 yrs, he should stay? this ia actually a very smart idea from lebron and his business team of high school buddies..if wade was smart he would do the same thing..shaq would be gone by then and it would allow us to add more pieces b/c we would have more money
tucker said:
well duh..its a business also...he doesnt have to stay in cleveland..what if they stink it up in 3 yrs, he should stay? this ia actually a very smart idea from lebron and his business team of high school buddies..if wade was smart he would do the same thing..shaq would be gone by then and it would allow us to add more pieces b/c we would have more money
How would we have more money with Wade on the books for $150 million vs. $80 million? Wade was smart to do what he did, because he just won a title and when Shaq hops off the books, he'll have another All-Star playing him from that free agent crop. Wade has expressed zero interest in every playing for another franchise, and he's proving it now.

Me personally? **** yeah I'd go for more money. Hell, personally, I wouldn't even sign this extension - I'd play 2006-2007 out then take off next year, hoping that the Clippers would have enough money for me. As a fan of watching LeBron play, I don't even want to see him play in Cleveland because I want to see him win a title - I think the more titles for Wade & LeBron, the better it is for the league. We've lacked this type of presence since Michael Jordan & the Bulls dynasty. I'm looking at this from an outsider's perspective, and from there, it's pretty selfish and if anything...shows the lack of loyalty to the franchise. It's a common thing for the city though, no offense.
ok so you would do the same thing but you think its a dirty move...but he didnt sell his soul to cleveland so he has the option of leaving...if the fans get mad, maybe they should look into the org and who they have brought in
Caps said:
He's setting himself up to either:

A. Haul *** out of town, backstabbing his fans and the organization in the process for what essentially amounts to hording gold, or

B. Stick around to cap-strap his team, ensuring they remain mediocre for what essentially amounts to hording gold.

All the while trying to convince others to do the same. I guess he wants accomplices to back him up. Excuse me if I don't find a multi-millionaire sacrificing his fans piece of mind for a few more dollars to be a noble endeavor. :shakeno:

How is he backstabbing anyone? If the team doesn't like the terms of the deal. DON'T SIGN IT!!!!!!!!!! And if the fans don't like it, don't support him or the team? This is all out in the open and very up front. It isn't like he is saying one thing then doing another.

Of course he is setting himself up to put himself in the best possible position. What person on planet earth wouldn't do the same?!?!?!?!?!

And yes, he is allowed to leave town at some point. Just because he was drafted by the Cavs doesn't mean he must live and die in the city of Cleveland his whole life. Maybe he wants to see where the franchise and city is in 3 years. It isn't like they have a long standing tradition of winning and he doesn't want to be in prison there forever on a loser!

Lebron is putting himself in the best possible position. ANd all within the rules. God bless him!
from sections link in his untradable thread:

I keep writing about this, and everyone in Cleveland keeps sending me hate mail, and I don't really know what else to tell you ... but people around the league swear that there's a clause in LeBron's Nike contract (already worth $100 million) that doubles the money if he plays for an NBA team based in New York, Chicago or Los Angeles AND that some of his other endorsement deals have the same clause. Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger.
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