Jack Del Rio claims to have gotten lots of info from Wilford. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Jack Del Rio claims to have gotten lots of info from Wilford.


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Jul 26, 2004
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Jack Del Rio on if get got anything out of Ernest Wilford on the Dolphins: “Sucked his brain dry. Yeah, absolutely, I sure did.”


While Im sure he could have gotten alot of info from Wilford, I also know Miami has a former Jag in McDaniels & Akin also has played for Del Rio. Another thing before you guys go all crazy, these team is not the same Wilford played for. The gameplan for Miami has changed a whole lot with Henne and the Wildcat is gone. So, I don't know how much can Wilford know from practicaly a completely new offense he is not a part of.
Wilford couldn't understand the information in a year and a half in Miami, what makes Del Rio think he knows it now?
maybe Jack should watch the 12 weeks of game tape... but, if he chooses to ask wilford for a game plan thats his loss
LOL, what did he ask him, how many millions he made per catch? This team is worlds different from the beginning of the season, go ahead and pick that birdbrain Jack.
All I know is,Wilford wasn't good enough....or smart enough to still be a'Fin.And I honestly don't think anything he does know,would be used anyhow.We are morphing into a different team,right before our eyes.I really LOVE the direction we're headed in.
Gawd I hope this is true. I can imagine the meeting.

"Hey Ernest what are the Dolphins going to do this week"
"Direct Snap to Ronnie Brown in this new formation called the Wildcat"
"Um you know that Ronnie Brown is on the IR right"
"The what"
"Do you have any idea where you are right now?"
"You are in Jacksonville"
At long last, Ernest's finally become a "go-to" guy.

Our offense is predictable enough so any more little info Del Rio may have gotten only hurts us.
Oh let me guess , Del Rio shined a flashlight in Wilford 's eyes and said Where were you on day the dolphins lost to Houston. ? Wilford replies well I was in the game but my mind was on drpopping passes.

I bet this tactic worker really well when interogating former dolphins players especialy when dealing with Cam's players
psychological response only...he got nothing useful from him...he just wants the team to think he did...
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