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Jun 4, 2007
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Adam Gase said he isn’t sure when defensive end Mario Williams (concussion), defensive tackle Earl Mitchell (calf) or center Mike Pouncey (hip) will be back. He’s hopeful receiver DeVante Parker (hamstring) will play next week, but neither he nor Parker could say with certainty.

Some highlights from Gase’s press briefing a day after the Dolphins’ 12-10 loss to Seattle:

• On Williams (concussion): “With Mario, he’s in the protocol. I have no clue after that. They have a system in place. When the trainer says all these things are passed, we’ll figure out where you’re at. Obviously, there’s no timetable for these [concussions].

• On Mitchell (calf): “We’re going to be week to week. I don’t know the exact issues. I know it’s a calf. They were going to get back with me as far as the details.”

• On Pouncey (hip): “Week to week. I don’t know the details of what he has. Myself and Mike have had numerous conversations of I’m trying to make sure we do what’s right for him. We want him to be there so bad because he is a great player. But at the same time, I don’t want to put him at risk to where it’s longer than it should be or it does something to where it affects us the rest of the season. Ot’s my decision when he should play.”

• On Jordan Phillips, who left with an ankle issue late in the game: “He kept going out there and battling. He’ll have to stay on it with treatment. Wednesday will be telling, whether he can practice. I don’t see him missing time. We’re going to have to be smart with him. [He did an] outstanding job. He really came to play. He showed how powerful he is by taking the center back, running him into the quarterback, then hitting the running back and the ball comes out. When you got a guy that can do it, that shows you we need this as many times as possible.”

• On Jay Ajayi, who was not taken to Seattle: “[As far as where he] currently stands, we’re back to basically, he’s back in meetings, he’s back in the building. We left him back. That was my decision. We’ve cleaned that up. We’ve moved past that. This is a new day for him today.”

• On DeVante Parker, who missed Sunday with a hamstring injury: “He was close. For me, if he goes out there and something happens and we lose him for four more weeks, for one game. We want to get him as close to possible where we don’t feel he will have another setback. Will it be this week? I would love. We need him to practice and push himself. It’s how everyone feels right before that game next week.”

• On Tannehill’s late drive: “I’ve seen him enough film where I’ve seen him have drives at the end of the game – Atlanta game 2013, New England. I guess I see things different than everybody else says. I wasn’t surprised by it. I was mad at myself because I should have went to what we ended up going to earlier in the game. I kept talking myself out of it. He kept pressing me to get to that stuff, basically that drive that set up those plays. And I kept talking myself out of it. And finally, once I listened to him, we marched the ball down the field. It was a great lesson to me; when he says go to something, we’re going to go to it.”

• On Seattle having 29 more offensive plays than Miami: “Third down on offense – we left those guys out there way too much. Offensively, we put them in a bad position. Our defense did a great job. We gave them too many possessions. We put out our defense in a bad spot. They answered the bell. They held them to 12 points. I don’t know what else you can ask a defense to do. You lose Mario, Earl’s out, and you have limited guys chasing Russell Wilson around. It makes it tough. Once he gets going and once he starts moving around, you get exhausted, but you can’t get off the field.”

• On Isa Abdul Quddus: “He did a great job. The pick was huge. He made a lot of really good tackles. Our tackling overall was outstanding. The way our defense was running to the ball and gang-tackling, that needs to be our standard. We can’t go below what we did the other night. That was exactly what Vance has been preaching.”

• On going for it on fourth down: “We got kind of caught in something we planned on doing. Ryan saw something else. He had the right thought and it was one of those things he wasn’t sure how our guys would react. I put a lot of that on myself. I had a terrible formation for putting our tight ends in there. Our d-ends were able to crash down.”

• On going for it on fourth and short: “We’re playing to win. That’s what we’re going to do. Let’s get used to it. I am going for it on fourth down.”

• On cornerback Xavien Howard: “He did well in a lot of areas. There were a couple times he probably wanted to be a little tighter on coverage. I was very impressed with the way he tackled and the way he delivered hits on guys. He was really aggressive yesterday. Sometimes, formation dictates and there a few times he got caught.”

• On pass protection: “Least I’ve had my quarterback hit against those guys. We did a pretty good job – couple busts protection wise. I thought Ryan did a good job getting the ball out – there were couple times we were trying to push the ball downfield.”

• On four players kneeling during the National Anthem: “Our guys – whether they’re together as a group, or individuals. Everyone believes in different stuff. Once we do this, we’re after one thing, winning. All the other stuff goes on. We’re worried about winning.”

• On Kiko Alonso: “He’s so fast sideline to sideline, covers so much ground. We had a couple times they went really fast and he did a good job saving the day on that. When you have a guy who runs as well as he does and never stops, it gets other guys doing the same thing.”

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/s...y-jackson/article101400132.html#storylink=cpy
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