Jason Taylor on Ricky's comeback on the Joe Rose Show | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Jason Taylor on Ricky's comeback on the Joe Rose Show


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Mar 12, 2003
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I was listening to 790 am on the way to work this morning. For those who don't know....790 is the new official station of the Dolphins, Joe Rose (a former Phin) was interviewing JT. He asked him what he thought about Ricky if he returns. JT then said "With that question being asked, let me now thank my sponors". He did later answer the question that he doesn't really care. If he can come back and help them win then great. If he stays retired, then great. He didn't seem to think much of Ricky apologizing for his actions. He said, "What would apologizing do?"

At the end of the show, they had a clip of JT drunk when playing golf. He was pretending to be Ricky. It was Hillarious. "I spent the summer in Australia where I can live for seven dollars a day. If I come back and you throw bunches of money at me...I'll play great". It doesn't read as funny, but if you can download it. Do it it's hillarious.
Sounds like he doesn't really want him back that bad, but he wants the team to win more than he hates Ricky.

I love your sig, it's awesome

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
JT is going along with the party line.If Saban wants him back then we will go along with it but dont expect any high fives from Rickys teamates.
CrunchTime said:
JT is going along with the party line.If Saban wants him back then we will go along with it but dont expect any high fives from Rickys teamates.

Nicely put(I couldn't type the words I wanted to:p).

Also your about to get your 6,000 post, not a bad job :cooldude: .
I love JT and I think he's one of the best players we have ,but regardless of his talent he's a leader of the team and everytime he talks about Ricky he sounds like a jilted girlfriend, I understand Ricky is selfish and only worried about himself, but thats not a reason to act like JT acts every time Ricky's name is brought up. JT loved DW, and hates Ricky and can't seem to put the two problems together??? I wish JT would just take the high road and stop with all the Ricky bashing. JT doesn't look like a grownup when he makes his Ricky comments. Infact JT reminds me of the type that would bash this team if he were to be traded or not have his contract extended. But thats just the impression I get from his comments. I don't hear any other player on the team bash Ricky like JT does.

I'm not defending Ricky, Heck I went out and spent nearly 300$ on a jersey I can't wear anymore, but the point is it makes the fins look bad to see one of the top players on the team not letting go of the Ricky thing....move on!!!!Also I was very unhappy last year when the news broke about Saban and JT was still pouting about DW being fired, he didn't seem to care to much for Saban and to this day I have not heard a good or bad word from JT about Saban. JT's a great player but I think he thinks his sh** don't stink and he can say and act however he wants and that to me is very un-professional!
feelthepain said:
I love JT and I think he's one of the best players we have ,but regardless of his talent he's a leader of the team and everytime he talks about Ricky he sounds like a jilted girlfriend, I understand Ricky is selfish and only worried about himself, but thats not a reason to act like JT acts every time Ricky's name is brought up. JT loved DW, and hates Ricky and can't seem to put the two problems together??? I wish JT would just take the high road and stop with all the Ricky bashing. JT doesn't look like a grownup when he makes his Ricky comments. Infact JT reminds me of the type that would bash this team if he were to be traded or not have his contract extended. But thats just the impression I get from his comments. I don't hear any other player on the team bash Ricky like JT does.

I'm not defending Ricky, Heck I went out and spent nearly 300$ on a jersey I can't wear anymore, but the point is it makes the fins look bad to see one of the top players on the team not letting go of the Ricky thing....move on!!!!Also I was very unhappy last year when the news broke about Saban and JT was still pouting about DW being fired, he didn't seem to care to much for Saban and to this day I have not heard a good or bad word from JT about Saban. JT's a great player but I think he thinks his sh** don't stink and he can say and act however he wants and that to me is very un-professional!

nicely said. i must agree with you on this one, JT's attitude is starting to get on my nerves a bit and as sad as it may seem if he doesn't put up big numbers this year then he may be traded to make way for our 3-4 system.
Well, Jason is more than right for felling the way he does and he isn't the only one that feels this way. Personally I think its past time that we quit thinking about ricky and just move on. I surely hope that we dont trade down so we can get a impact player on offense . I have heard some really good things about allex smith and jason campbell i have heard that rb morency redid his 40 time and was clocked at 4:39 which is more like it but i am with the belief that we will get a qb with the 1st or 3rd pick.
Umm, why does anyone care about how JT feels about Ricky?

The original post was good info.
feelthepain said:
I love JT and I think he's one of the best players we have ,but regardless of his talent he's a leader of the team and everytime he talks about Ricky he sounds like a jilted girlfriend

I suspect this comes from JTs vocal support of Ricky's decision to walk away from the game...which he then got burned by when the drug tests emerged as the likely real reason behind the retirement. I can understand JTs not being too happy with Williams.
xiidaen said:
I suspect this comes from JTs vocal support of Ricky's decision to walk away from the game...which he then got burned by when the drug tests emerged as the likely real reason behind the retirement. I can understand JTs not being too happy with Williams.

I would like to believe that, but the fact is there is probably 10 reasons Ricky quit. I for one think it was more about being lazy then anything else. Think about it, endless money (the way he spends...7$ a day lodging 1oz of weed a week) travel the world, get high whenever you feel like getting high. I would not be at all surprised if Ricky own's a flat in Amsterdam. My point was the bitterness JT expresses about Ricky is over the top IMO.

Colmax wrote:
Umm, why does anyone care about how JT feels about Ricky?

The original post was good info.

The original info WAS what JT thought about Ricky's comeback!
IMO JT's bitterness is not over the top. While Ricky was sitting back chillin puffin an L JT was working out watching film doing interviews BUSTING HIS *** for the team. Ricky is not half the man JT is. Ricky is beneath JT so why should JT even have to answer questions about him.
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