The Miami Dolphins announced his new role Friday. Taylor will serve as an analyst alongside Joe Rose with Jimmy Cefalo handling the play-by-play duties. The news was announced on “The Audible,” the team’s new 30-minute produced show live streamed on, the Dolphins app, Facebook Live and Periscope that features unique perspectives on the team with long-form conversations, interviews and social media interaction where fans will have the ability to ask questions and take part in the discussion.
Taylor served as an analyst on ESPN throughout the 2012 season, appearing on NFL Live, SportsCenter, NFL32 and Sunday and Monday NFL Countdown. In 2014, he served as a regular on Pro Football Talk, the NBC Sports Network show hosted by Mike Florio. In 2015, he was an analyst on SiriusXM NFL Radio’s weekly NFL show. Taylor made his broadcast booth debut as a game analyst on Oct. 31, 2015, covering the University of Georgia-University of Florida game for Westwood One Sports.