You really think bolin is the equivalent of a 1st rounder's salary and talent..basically we're going to be given a 1st a couple of million anyway, yes is top 10 money for a draft..but it's a quanity that's proven in the NFL..vs say a Jake long who became the highest paid OL ever, when he hadn't proven a thing in the NFL.. Bolin is the rare exception to the rule of trading pic's for me, I'm generally not in favor of it, but a Bolin would intrique me, if Az doesn't ask for the house and quest house. If they do, then you're right he's not worth 2 or 3 pic's that can do more hopefully for us.. I'm interested if we id someone the cardinals would want and A pick.. i.e., Ricky and a low pick for Boldin. That's just an example, not something I'm saying to do.. but Ricky, Holliday, Martin or Fasano and a pick or something like that, wouldn't bother me.