I probably smoke more weed then 99% of the people on this forum.... lazy people are going to be lazy.. motivated people are going to be motivated.. and those motivated people are not going to loose all inhibitions just because they smoke weed.. you'd be really surprised how many successful people smoke weed.
I got a 75% scholarship at a good University smoking weed throughout highschool.. and I'm on my way to a Masters in Accounting.. and Ill continue to smoke..
The "laziness" so often associated with canibus is because of the more common Indica strain "couch-locked" effects... and yes, WHEN you're high, you're very "lazy".. but highs last like.. maybe 2-3 hours (if you have a low tolerance).. but it doesn't alter your character entirely and transform you into a human sloth.. people who use weed as a scapegoat for their laziness are lazy to begin with, and will continue to be so..
So if your any kinda smart.. don't smoke if you know you have **** to do.. its supposed to be a recreational activity that people do on their own time.. should their be a legal age for it? probably.. several congressman are already pushing bills to legalize it for responsible adults..
@ TheJetsBlow - I started a legalizing Marijuana thread a few months ago on the basis of the economic gains resulting from legalization.. feel free to check it out
Mandich is the man, this goes on in sports (/life...) a helluva lot more then people think.. and that's what Mandich was trying to say.. He was saying more people then not, on even our beloved 72' undefeated team.. the pinnacle of success for our entire franchise.. was a bunch of "potheads"..
Seems kinda ironic to me. That a drug so often associated with laziness, was used by a team that achieved perfection..
anyone interested in educating themselves on canibus I direct thee here.
great site ^^
Sorry to hijack.. I don't feel like dealing with all the crap I'm gonna get for this.. so just go to Grasscity.. and spam there.. and let them educate you