Joe Gibbs - teaching players to manage money | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Joe Gibbs - teaching players to manage money


Aussie with the swag of El Bravo 47
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Apr 21, 2007
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West Palm Beach, Florida
I see where the NFLPA has organized Joe Gibbs to address the rookies on managing their money. Apparently he became aware that a stack of Redskins would negotiate hard because they blew their earnings and always needed more. One of his skills was to teach all of them how to better manage their money, so they were less desperate in negotiations (and they were more vested in the team).
It would be good not just for the Dolphin rookies but all our players, to receive this sort of education. It might also help to make some a little less greedy, if they understand how to invest and make more out of what they get. Maybe our owner, Steven Ross (he didn't become a billionaire out of just being lucky), could help in the financial education of the players. He was the benefactor of the University of Michigan Business School.
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