I don't know if you listened to the Dan Marino show today, but Joe Rose talked to Chad Henne last night. This is a pretty bad paraphrase, but I'll do my best. He said:
"Chad was the last person to leave last night. He was really upset. It seems like he HATES losing. He has that old school feel about a loss, like the way you did (talking to Dan Marino.) I like that about him. He was staying late and ready to get back to work to find a way to get better."
I know that most quarterbacks should be that way, but considering that right before they talked about the game they were talking about the Raiders game. They basically said that Jamarcus Russell does NONE of that stuff. He shows up late, leaves early, and doesn't care. Henne does care. I really like the report (if it's true) that he was the LAST to leave. That's exactly what you want. He's going to be the real deal.
"Chad was the last person to leave last night. He was really upset. It seems like he HATES losing. He has that old school feel about a loss, like the way you did (talking to Dan Marino.) I like that about him. He was staying late and ready to get back to work to find a way to get better."
I know that most quarterbacks should be that way, but considering that right before they talked about the game they were talking about the Raiders game. They basically said that Jamarcus Russell does NONE of that stuff. He shows up late, leaves early, and doesn't care. Henne does care. I really like the report (if it's true) that he was the LAST to leave. That's exactly what you want. He's going to be the real deal.