July Update | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

July Update


FinHeaven Lives
Sep 2, 2001
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
First and foremost, I’m sorry that I didn’t submit a June update, I have been very busy and I barely found time this evening to type this up. But, rest assured that I have a ton of great news to share with you all.

First, expect a new design to come soon. I’m looking to integrate the new design pretty shortly. You can peak at the one of two design templates:



I’m not sure which design I’m going for, but I like the first one (finheaven6.jpg) the best. However, let me know what you think.

Secondly, after the new design I’m going to advertise in the Sun Sentinel. The cost is $45 per inch, so I’m going for a 4x4 ad next to a Dolphins article. The ad will appear on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. I was going for Sunday, but that was $90 per inch. The Sun Sentinel is the largest newspaper in the South Florida area and it is the official newspaper of the Miami Dolphins. The news paper runs from the Keys to Jupiter. According to their statistics, over 200k people will see the advertisement.

Next, you may notice that we are no longer affiliates with PhinZone. The main reason for this is that they send us about 60 people per month, while we send them over 150 people per month. Thus, I just don’t find that affiliation beneficial any more.

Next on the agenda, we have affiliated with Porter’s Place (www.portersplace.biz). Some fans may remember Daryl Porter… well, he along with brother Bernie Porter have started their own restaurant down in South Florida. In return, I will be able to interview Daryl Porter as well as have a sign in the Dolphins VIP section for the Miami Dolphins.

Phew, next… I’ve also contacted Eddie Moore’s college coach, and he is will to do an interview, so Miguel will be handling that. I think that this will be a fantastic interview since everyone finds controversy with Moore. Expect that interview sometime within the next two weeks.

Let’s see… financially, I think we are pretty good to go. If the Premium Membership fees keep on coming, then it should all be well. Two people have discontinued their membership for financial reasons; however, they may regain the membership at anytime. As of right now, we have $1,722.86 to our account. If the Sun-Sentinel thing comes through, I expect a big hike in advertisement revenue.

In addition to that long list, we’ve dropped BillsZone as our Bills affiliate and we’ve became affiliates with Bills Asylum. I really like the direction that this website is headed in. They opened up two months ago, and they are averaging 4 million hits per month. Mind you, we get about 10 million a month, but to start out that high is very good. In addition, Bills Asylum will be doing a weekly radio broadcast, which the announcer will advertise FinHeaven & Co for a few seconds. Furthermore, I am more than welcome to interview any player they bring in. Lastly, before every game I or another staff member can call up and be interviewed or do a pre game talk or whatever.

Finally, the shirt update: there are 29 shirts left and we are still in the red. There are a few people that ordered a shirt, but have not paid. I have set aside those shirts, but have not shipped them yet.

Well, that’s about it. Please discuss anything and everything here. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. Again, I apologize for the lack of updates. I will try not to let it happen again.

Andrew Tatum
Also, please note: DO NOT share the designs with anyone, please. This needs to remain between all of us. Thank you.
Wow! Those are some great looking templates, but finheaven6.jpg gets my vote for the best one.
Just to let everyone know, Bills Asylum thing fell through... err... I cancelled it after I did some further research... we're back with long time friends BillsZone! :cool:
Man, you have been busy....now we gotta get those guys to pay for their shirts and sell the rest.
I was... until I spoke to dozerdoggy... and told me a few things... he made some points that I looked over, and would have regretted... it won't happen again though... don't worry... :cool:
The first design- Finheaven6.jpg gets my vote, it is awesome! The rest of your news sounds good too, can't wait. Thanks AJ for the update!
jpeg6, no question. Much more aesthetically pleasing. It's simple, yet it's not plain. Everything is right there. Looks great.

Lets hope this Sun Sentinel thing goes thru. :)
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