:fire: What the f--- is going on. Can da Phins please just Feed da beast - the R-n-R Monster please. I mean Ronnie is running da ball hard
, Ronnie runs like King Kong with a helmet
but he only gets 12 carries, come on that just crap:goof: . Ricky well looks like Ricky and he only gets 10 carries :shakeno: . But da Phins are putting the ball into the hands of Gus :fire: "-I can't make a play-" Frerotte. This crap is just making me sick 3 and 2 and we don't get the ball to King Kong (aka Ronne Brown) no let's trick them and let that crappy Gus do something - oh I mean nothing:shakeno: . Please just give Sage a shot - yes he may suck but I am just sick of Gus he's just crap:shakeno: