Just some things I want to say | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Just some things I want to say


Pro Bowler
May 12, 2005
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Hey, I'm just as disappointed as you guys and I was texted by my older sister of the game results (she's a fin fan), as I was at work when miami played and got out at 9. Anyway, I learned of the comeback, but 24-10 at half is not a big lead after watching many football games in the past and especially considering a team with an offense like the saints. A lot of it is miami blowing it and falling apart, but I think, after watching the highlights on nfl.com, the saints of course have a heck of a team while miami, I think we might have jumped ahead of ourselves, is just decent right now, but which i believe will be a pretty good team as they go on or a team in progress. The fact is the secondary, especially the safeties is just not that good and the obvious youth, while doing pretty good is going to take a little time. The issue brought up in this forums seems to be how, Miami's D played great in the 1st half and bombed in the 2nd half.

I don't think that is the case, and the turnovers probably partly from the saints not playing their a game disguised this fact about miami's D in the first half. What most of Brees Interceptions and the fumble in the first half is what thwarted the saints offense, for the most part, because it seemed the few drives miami didn't force a turnover in the first half, the saints moved down the field and scored with ease. Yes the saints have a very good offenses. But the resistance was not so much miami forcing a bunch of 3 and outs and resistance but the turnovers, which is not good for that to be a Defenses main way of stopping a team, especially an offense like the saints, because the moment the team on offense stops coughing up the ball they will score points fast, because the defense was not forcing too many punts, but was just holding them from mainly forcing turnovers.
I just wanted to add this too, I don’t think Chad Henne did too bad, that one interception was from Ginn having stone hands, it was a nice throw and right in his hands and he bobbled it up and the saints player picked it off. The last one came while henne was hit from behind right when he was throwing it forcing it to float up. But regardless that’s one interception that was his fault against a tough turnover forcing saints defense that has forced turnovers from good veteran qbs (eli manning) and you have to add the fact this is only Henne’s third start. I know he was only 50% but I think his passing percantage would have definitely better if not for dropped passed from Miami, the Miami tightends and Wrs did not really help Henne. So considering all this Henne could have definitely struggled big time, which he didn’t. He didn’t play great for sure, but considering all this, I still feel pretty good about what Henne will be for Miami with more experience and natural improvements over time.

I mean even though Miami lost, Henne’s arm and presence has changed Miami not only from moving down the field much better than before, but a team striking down the field faster and more points than with Peningington, the team has more balanced offensively with Henne. A few more pieces on offense with miamis rbs and Henne, like a no 1 Wrs, maybe a talented rookie TE and some work with the linebackers and safety help and Miami can be that very good team. Last but not least, miami has 2 divisional games, so its not over just yet, miami winning both games and they are right back and would be like where they were last year, but division wins are huge, u don’t have to have a great record if you have the tie breaker on your division opponents of course. Sorry for the novel, but I just wanted to share this.
None of this game was on Henne. He showed poised and acted like a qb we have not had here in a long time (loved Pennington but we knew he was not the future, no knock on him).

The 2 picks were not his fault. Ginn is just another bust who cant go out and make a play thus he dropped a 15-20 yd completion and the second one he was about to get killed and had to throw it up as to not take a sack on 4th down.

Henne is the least of our worries.
the offense as a hole just played sloppy in the second half, and we gave up on the run, we didn't lose the lead until about 8 minutes left in the 4th
the offense as a hole just played sloppy in the second half, and we gave up on the run, we didn't lose the lead until about 8 minutes left in the 4th

Yeah but we let them come back in striking distanc earlier than that and like I said about the talk of the first half. I think that was a mirage really. Because miami stopping new orleans offense in the first half was from forcing of the turnovers definitely more so than 3 and outs once the turnovers weren't forced anymore, or even like in the first half the points and moving down the field came pretty easy when miami couldn't force a turnover, therefore, it wasn't that miami's secondary was so much worse in the 2nd half, but their true colors showing in the 2nd half, because they weren't forcing turnovers, which was the main reason i feel miamis D was stopping the saints.

This is good, but you hope more for resistance as in forcing of 3 and outs, because thats whast good defenses do. They force turnovers of course, but good defenses make teams even with good offenses fight for yards and march up the field and not allowing big plays. Miami is a work in progress and thats just the facts, but that doesn't mean that wonts or cant still fight back into the division.
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