Karl Williams | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Karl Williams


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Dolphins | Williams Visits - posted at KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
1:19 PT: Alex Marvez reports for the Sun Sentinel free agent KR/WR Karl Williams (Bucs) visited with the Miami Dolphins Thursday.

Is he better than Ogden - must be :rolleyes:
He actually plays WR too. Last season had 350+ receiving yards for the Bucs. I dont know how he is at kick returning though, but he is already an upgrade over ogden cuz he actually plays WR too. BUT he has 11 career fumbles. :-(
He sucks, and has never returned a kickoff for a TD. I would rather spend an extra $500,00 for T.Wilkins. Why Royals??? He is older than Santa Clause!!

You sure do bitch a lot. You bitch about something on every single thread on this board. You sound like a bitchaholic. Life's too short bitch, be happy, DAMMIT!:evil: :lol: :evil: :lol: :evil: :lol:
How about you find all the threads that I have done this, and when you have wasted your time go back to your Raider's fan club and stop by the bank to cash your social security check.

Originally posted by chambers84
How about you find all the threads that I have done this, and when you have wasted your time go back to your Raider's fan club and stop by the bank to cash your social security check.
LMAO!!! There's not enough time in the day to look at every thread you've bitched on. You're like an old man with that ****. Btw, I don't get social security, but if you need some cash, I can send some so you can get some more Alpo to feed those sled dogs so's you can make it ta work.:lol: Can't wait to read your next bitch-fest...:evil:
i would much rather see wilkins as we all know what he has done to the phins as a returner and he also does both duties as a returner !!!!! there is a team that made an offer to him just recently so maybe it was the phins it is a big secret so wait and see .
I am not sure who signed him, but I read about someone signing him. I think it was Green Bay, but I am not sure.
NFL | Wilkins Getting Offer Sheet - from KFFL (http://nfl.kffl.com)
April 12, 2002 1:58:03 PT The Indianapolis Star reports restricted free agent WR Terrence Wilkins (Colts) will sign an offer sheet with an unnamed team, according to agent Tony Agnone. Wilkins has drawn interest from Houston, St. Louis, Miami and Kansas City.

I guess I was wrong.
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