Keeper League Needs Managers #2- Simple Version | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Keeper League Needs Managers #2- Simple Version

So Be

Active Roster
Jul 2, 2006
Reaction score
My first thread got complicated with no need. Hell, even I got confused. Simply I have an 8 team Keeper League which needs 5 managers.

Half PPR, 5= 7 regular keepers plus a non-drafted one total 6- 8 It has existing rosters ready to go. Draft Sept. 1 @ 7:30. Gonna be some fun.

Just message me a name and e mail and I'll send you the invite.
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I'm surprised there is not more response to keepers here, I thought for sure that the very involved Phans at FH were a natural for keepers.
What am I missing?
Assassins, welcome to Keeper Fantasy. With Rev Kev and myself we have 3 and need 5 more. We will get together in about a week with hopefully more managers.

Many signed up through the FH lounge about 5 weeks ago -
That's fair but everyone I know is in multiple leagues with at least one keeper. I'm in a regular FH league as well. Are there many Keeper leagues here already? I don't know this stuff but will adjust Fantasy as I learn.

What is here and what, if anything, is missing?
That's fair but everyone I know is in multiple leagues with at least one keeper. I'm in a regular FH league as well. Are there many Keeper leagues here already? I don't know this stuff but will adjust Fantasy as I learn.

What is here and what, if anything, is missing?

Nothing is missing

Guys loaded up on teams weeks ago so we are a month late to the party settle in and people will join as able
Nothing is missing

Guys loaded up on teams weeks ago so we are a month late to the party settle in and people will join as able
Funny, that's when I get my Fantasy Fever as well but most all managers I've been dealing with in recent years (save 1 keeper league) all want to wait until August.
Makes things tuff on keepers with draft, final keepers, trade windows for picks and keepers when final.

I MUCH prefer getting started in July and know for next year.

How many keepers do most here prefer to have?
Funny, that's when I get my Fantasy Fever as well but most all managers I've been dealing with in recent years (save 1 keeper league) all want to wait until August.
Makes things tuff on keepers with draft, final keepers, trade windows for picks and keepers when final.

I MUCH prefer getting started in July and know for next year.

How many keepers do most here prefer to have?
I can’t speak for FH this is the first year that the Mods really pushed fantasy - Loco is running a shot load of stuff but no keepers

Some hate keepers because they just want to win the draft and not have to adjust their roster but weekly
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