kevin carter/sacks | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

kevin carter/sacks


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Jul 31, 2004
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I knew kevin carter was a good player but it shocked me to find out he has more sacks than jason taylor! i am not saying he is better than jt, carter has had more years in the league but i think we got a monster for 2-3 years. I think carter will have a great year, he has never had someone like taylor on the other side. I feel sorry for the qb's we face this year!!
rickysux said:
I knew kevin carter was a good player but it shocked me to find out he has more sacks than jason taylor! i am not saying he is better than jt, carter has had more years in the league but i think we got a monster for 2-3 years. I think carter will have a great year, he has never had someone like taylor on the other side. I feel sorry for the qb's we face this year!!

I second that, our Dline should have a fun and exciting year!
rickysux said:
I knew kevin carter was a good player but it shocked me to find out he has more sacks than jason taylor! i am not saying he is better than jt, carter has had more years in the league but i think we got a monster for 2-3 years. I think carter will have a great year, he has never had someone like taylor on the other side. I feel sorry for the qb's we face this year!!

Kevin Carter was an absolute beast for about 3 years. He has slowed down but I too would not like to see him and JT on the ends and Seau blitzing.
rickysux said:
I knew kevin carter was a good player but it shocked me to find out he has more sacks than jason taylor! i am not saying he is better than jt, carter has had more years in the league but i think we got a monster for 2-3 years. I think carter will have a great year, he has never had someone like taylor on the other side. I feel sorry for the qb's we face this year!!
He has always been able to find a way to the QB while being very good at stopping the run also. Hopefully he has a year or two left of the kind of play he has displayed over his career.
rickysux said:
I knew kevin carter was a good player but it shocked me to find out he has more sacks than jason taylor! i am not saying he is better than jt, carter has had more years in the league but i think we got a monster for 2-3 years. I think carter will have a great year, he has never had someone like taylor on the other side. I feel sorry for the qb's we face this year!!

He had J. Kerse on the other side his first year in Tenn.
I think him and Taylor are going to combine for 25 sacks alone.
He has more sacks than Taylor because Taylor actually commands the double team. NO one is worried about Carter.
gr8slayer said:
He has more sacks than Taylor because Taylor actually commands the double team. NO one is worried about Carter.

That makes the other team stupid now doesn't it? :lol:
GreenMonster said:
Kevin Carter was an absolute beast for about 3 years. He has slowed down but I too would not like to see him and JT on the ends and Seau blitzing.
id like it even less if i knew i had carter coming upfield from the DT spot with Roth and JT coming at me from the ends and Seau looking to hammer me on a blitz. Ouch! Oh yeah, this DL group is gonna be fun to watch; im as happy as a pig in poop thinking about it :rofl3:
  • I like the fact the Carter prefers to now rush from the DT position. He thinks this is his best technique.
  • Pressure up the middle and on the edge will make our DB's look good.
typical bills fan, lets bash a rivals decent players and value them less than zero.

please dude, that little game of mind **** psychology has been done before. and is quite transparent.
I thought this thread said "kevin carter/sucks" :lol: And I agree with stated above, I think if he starts at LE opposite of JT, he's going to have a great season. I think JT/Kevin Carter has potential to be the best DE due in the NFL. :cooldude:
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