Kliff Kingsbury is a stud! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Kliff Kingsbury is a stud!


town drunk
Club Member
Mar 14, 2002
Reaction score
Ormond Beach, FL
I can't remember who has the picture of Britney as part of their signature, but eat your heart out dude. This guy's nailin' your girl!

"The best nugget of information to come out of the Senior Bowl had nothing to do with 40 times. It was tabloid gossip. It seems Texas Tech quarterback Kliff Kingsbury is dating pop sensation Britney Spears. He obviously throws better passes off the field than he did during the Senior Bowl practices. "

I played against that dude. I didn't think he was too special of a guy, especially not special enough to be dating Britney Spears. I give him props though. Now he has bragging rights fore years to come......
It was ELI MANNING that was supposed to be dating Britney. Anyway, she's dating Fred Durst now.
Last I heard it was Fred Durst..

She has hit the all-time low.. I would have more respect for her if she was dating Vanilla Ice or a Milli Vanilli...
Well, at least we can say she's not the biggest slut in the industry. J-Lo's got that spot locked! Freakin whore gets married every day.
Fred Durst? That guy is a freaking whiney little brat, and he is dating Britney Spears? Damn, I oughtta go introdice myslef to her. If she'll date Fred Durst, I don't see why I don't have a chance. Well, besides the fact I'm not in a rock band, and I don't have millions of dollars. OK, nevermind, I get it now.......
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