Knight named starter | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Knight named starter

Also in there is a bit about Obafemi Ayanbadejo replacing Dyer... and that the choice between Ayanbadejo and Sedrick would be ST play.
DW publicly said it was close. But Jason Cole says Knight was decisively beating Freeman.
I started this post about 7:00 this morning and now it's GONE??? Did someone delete it?
Originally posted by Williams34Phins
is he really that much better then dyer that he should start? I always liked dyer.

Dyer doesn't fit the system. He barely made it last year (much to our suprise). And he wouln't have been re-signed if Konrad had been signed first.
Here's the way I merge posts......if the subject is the same as a previous thread that is STILL on the first page, then I merge the threads....Boone, your post was merged in the Depth chart thread
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